[Cmake] Set a variable to a list of filenames that match a pa
Bitter, Ingmar (NIH/CC/DRD)
IBitter at cc . nih . gov
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 08:45:41 -0400
I think the *.cxx does not have to be found from the files on the disk, but
is generated by the QT_WRAP command.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Hoffman [mailto:bill . hoffman at kitware . com]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:39 PM
To: Bitter, Ingmar (NIH/CC/DRD)
Cc: cmake at www . cmake . org
Subject: RE: [Cmake] Set a variable to a list of filenames that match a pa
This one would be a problem because generated files will not be there when
cmake is run. As a general rule or good style CMakeLists.txt file, I would
recommend not using the GLOB feature to build source lists. The problem is
that CMake will need to be re-run by hand each time a new file is added to
source directory. CMake will have no other way of know about new files. So
this is quite different than makes %.c rules that are reevaluated each time
make is run. If the source files are explicit, then the only way to add new
ones is to modify the CMakeLists.txt file, which will cause cmake to
re-run. That will not happen with the GLOB command.
At 02:20 PM 7/31/2003, Bitter, Ingmar (NIH/CC/DRD) wrote:
>*.cxx is for automatically generated code from the Qt moc preprocessor