[Cmake] Bug report: cmake, VTK, java wrapping, and Borland compiler

Jarek Sacha galicjan at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 31 22:55:33 EDT 2002

Makefiles generated for Java wrapping in VTK have incorrect paths for to 
Java files. Forward slash "/" is used instead of backward slash "\". This 
confuses Borland "make".

For instance for the VTK Common module list of java files is generated like 

vtkCommonJavaJavaClasses:  \
D:/src/VTK_build_bcc/java/vtk/vtkAbstractMapper.java \
D:/src/VTK_build_bcc/java/vtk/vtkAbstractTransform.java \
D:/src/VTK_build_bcc/java/vtk/vtkActor2D.java \

Borland 'make' quits complaining that it does not know how to make target:

If I manually edit Makefile and replace "/" with "\",  that is if I have:

vtkCommonJavaJavaClasses:  \
D:\src\VTK_build_bcc\java\vtk\vtkAbstractMapper.java \
D:\src\VTK_build_bcc\java\vtk\vtkAbstractTransform.java \
D:\src\VTK_build_bcc\java\vtk\vtkActor2D.java \

then the build goes fine.

My system configuration:
Windows 2000
CMakeSetup v.1.4.4
VTK from CVS morning of 8/31/02
Free Borland C++ Compiler v.5.5.1
Java 1.3.1_04


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