[Cmake] Fwd: comment delimiters in CMake files

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Thu Aug 16 11:30:42 EDT 2001

>Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 17:25:28 +0200 (MET DST)
>From: Peter.Vanroose at esat.kuleuven.ac.be
>To: bill.hoffman at kitware.com
>Subject: comment delimiters in CMake files
>Cc: Ian.M.Scott at stud.man.ac.uk
>X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII
>it seems that the comment delimiter # only works for whole lines;
>couldn't that be changed to "ignore rest of line" from anywhere on the line?
>Then e.g. the following fragment would be valid:
>SOURCE_FILES( vil_sources
># various vil_stream classes
>vil_stream_fstream      # from a file
>vil_stream_core         # in-core vil_stream
>vil_stream_section      # present a section of a vil_stream
>vil_stream_url          # load image from URL
># classes derived from vil_image
>vil_clamp_image         # Helper specializations for vil_clamp_image_impl
>which would otherwise be more clumsy to write, and less readable.
>--      Peter. 

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