[CMake-Promote] Re: [CMake] Re: a ./configure shell script stub (William A. Hoffman)

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Mon May 29 21:30:11 EDT 2006

At 03:16 PM 5/29/2006, Axel Roebel wrote:

>My idea was that there would be the  special short cuts that are most often 
>--build=* -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=*

Ok, is that the list of short cuts in total?

>and besides that
>--foo_bar=* always maps into -DTOTO_FOO_BAR=*

You lost me here, where did the TOTO go/come from?
CMake variables are case sensitive, so having the command
line map to all lower case could cause trouble.

>It could be nice to additionally have
>--enable_foo_bar -> maps to the option FOO_BAR 
>--disable_foo_bar -> maps to the option FOO_BAR 

This does not sound to hard.

>> Maybe something like:
>> set_variable_property(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX COMMNAD_LINE_OPT "--prefix")
>I don't think a configurable behavior is needed here. It is my opinion that 
>there is no need for freedom for these things. It is more important to 
>create standards. It should be as easy to type and as standardized as 

I just don't like to have a hard coded list of "short cuts"  as soon
as you have one, someone will complain that they want one as well, and
to add one, you will have to wait for a new version of cmake to come out
if it is hard coded.  We could have a standard options file that is stored
in the modules directory of cmake, but it seems like people will want to
add options.


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