[cmake-developers] cmake daemon mode protocol

Tobias Hunger tobias.hunger at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 04:38:11 EST 2016

Hi Stephen,

Am 15.01.2016 00:38 schrieb "Stephen Kelly" <steveire at gmail.com>:
> > * Start daemon-mode without any additional parameters
> >
> > * Daemon responds with "
> >   {
> >     "type": "handShake",
> >     "version": "3.5.x",
> >     "supportedProtocols": "3.5"
> >   }
> As you discovered, the cmake binary might not even support the daemon mode
> at all.

That is really straight forward to detect: It will send malformed JSON on
stdout if daemon-mode is unsupported:-) The error message you get is not
JSON and definitely on of type handShake.

> I think what you are really asking for is 'the capabilities of the cmake
> binary'. In that sense, you might also want to know what generators are
> available, whether daemon mode is available (and with which protocol
> versions) etc.
> The issue at
>  http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=15462
> proposes to dump that information to stdout with a different -E command.

I do not really see the need for that.

Daemon-mode is easy to detect by the reply to the attempt to start it.

Everything else I expect to extract from within daemon mode.

> >
> > * Client Handshake:
> >   {
> >     "type": "handshake",
> >     "requestProtocolVersion": "3.5"
> >   }
> >
> > * Daemon:
> >   {
> >     "type:"handshake",
> >     "protocolVersion": "3.5"
> >   }
> Something like this is possible too. It's not far off what is already done
> in the branch.

I know, that is what this is based on after all. All I want is to be able
to start daemon-mode without having a builddir that is already associated
with a sourcedir.

> > At this point the normal operation should be possible.
> >
> > * Client:
> >   {
> >      "type": "setProjectInformation",
> >      "sourceDirectory": "/some/path",
> >      "cookie": "1"
> >   }
> >
> >   Being able to set the source directory is important so that a fresh
> > checkout can be configured. There is no build directory available at
> > that time...
> I understand the desire to inspect a cmake project without asking the user
> to specify a build dir,

You can safely read the CMakelists at this point, give syntax errors, maybe
even extract basic information like project name at this point.

> but cmake has to write build files somewhere in
> order to test the compiler etc.

If this works with a temporary build directory, then these files probably
do not need to litter the build directory in the first place:-)

> For this case, I suggest that if the user tries to 'open the source
> directory', you would use QTemporaryDir to build in a temporary location
> run the daemon there. I believe clion does something equivalent to that.

Hey, the idea is to improve on the current situation, not to perpetuate the

And how do I associate an empty directory as a builddir to a sourcedir?

How can I switch between builds when the daemon-mode is set up to work with
one builddir? Do I have to close it down and start a new daemon for the
next build?

That would be suboptimal, as all the built-in dependent state of the
project would need to get regenerated by the new daemon. Associating a
daemon with a sourcedir and being able to switch builddir would be nicer.

> Is that viable? I suppose you are suggesting that cmake do that instead of
> leaving it for clients to do?

It is doable. I just do not see why this should be necessary.

The daemon is not need to persist its state to disk all the time like
command-based cmake currently needs to.

> > * Daemon should do progress handling while reading the CMakeLists.txt
> > or whatever it does:
> >   { "type": "progress", "state": "busy", "task": "someId",
> > "taskDescription": "Reading CMakeLists.txt files", "cookie": "1" }
> >
> > * Daemon sends occasional:
> >   { "type": "progress", "task": "someId", progressTotal: 25,
> > progressCurrent: 12, "cookie": "1" }
> Yes. CMake can provide approximate values of how complete the configure
> is. See cmGlobalGenerator::AddMakefile. That could be exposed to the
> 'somehow', such as by defining some virtual callback interface.
> Richer information about some semantics like 'task' and 'busy state' could
> also be provided in a similar way I expect, assuming those could be

This is some basic functionality that we should get right soon, as this can
influence how long-running tasks need to be designed.

> > * Finally Daemon responds sends data as that is available now.
> >   {
> >     "type": "projectInformation",
> >     "sourceDirectory": "/some/path",
> >     "buildDirectory": "",
> >     "projectName": "SomeProject",
> >     "cookie": "1"
> >   }
> At this point in your proposal, cmake has run the configure step in a
> temporary directory, right?

I am currently arguing with complete ignorance of how cmake works
internally:-) This is just what I think makes the most sense from an IDE

> So it would be
>   "buildDirectory": "/tmp/foo/bar"
> right?


The daemon should be associated with a sourcedir, not a builddir. At this
point there should not be a builddir yet!

I think it makes sense to get the built-in dependent information first,
before having a builddir set and then proceeding to generate the
build-dependent information.

> > * Client:
> >   {
> >     "type": "setProjectInformation",
> >     "buildDirectory": "/some/other/path",
> >     "cookie": "2"
> >   }
> As this sets a new build directory, cmake will have to run the configure
> step from scratch in this new location.
> > * Daemon does progress indication as above...
> >
> > * Daemon responds with project info:
> >   {
> >     "type": "progressInformation",
> >     "sourceDirectory": "/some/path",
> >     "buildDirectory": "/some/other/path",
> >     "projectName": "SomeProject",
> >     "cookie": "2"
> >   }
> I must admit I'm not seduced by this idea as it seems to be that it should
> be easy for an IDE to build in a temporary dir itself.
> However, I think it makes sense to design the protocol to handle
> either a sourceDir or a buildDir (or both if from scratch). Starting
> mode without arguments as you suggest could work (though we would have to
> see how that affects the protocol). Or with a different argument (eg
>  cmake -E daemon buildDir
>  cmake -E daemon_source sourceDir
> ) could work. I am also just brainstorming ideas, not proscribing

You are a prisoner of the current implementation:-)

> > We might also want a "ping"/"pong" to detect if the daemon is still
> > responding.
> Yes, I had the same thought. I also considered self-terminating the daemon
> if there is no message on the wire for N seconds, effectively requiring
> IDE to ping every N seconds if it is not doing anything else.  I
> this because otherwise the IDE might crash and leave zombie cmake daemons
> running, but I didn't investigate that possibility.

True. But I am actually more concerned with the daemon freezing:-)

> > That would require the daemon to be able to handle
> > multiple requests to be in flight... not sure that this is worth it.
> Yes, adding a multi-threading requirement to the daemon might make some
> implementation more difficult. I've seen some videos on designs for things
> like that though, and I am interested in trying them out.
> > But if we can not do that, then we need to provide constant progress
> > information, which is also not great:-)
> The good news is that after the initial configure and compute steps are
> finished (where progress makes sense anyway I think), all other requests
> 'very fast'.

So "cmake --build" is out of scope for the daemon?

> > Not sure about the need for cookies (text set by the client and
> > repeated by the server in all its replies to that request). I do think
> > having them makes sense, even when only one request can be active at
> > any time: They make it so much easier to sanity-check communication.
> Yes, I considered something like that in the protocol too. I didn't add
> because I didn't encounter the need yet in the parts of the protocol I
> implemented and the proof-of-concept tooling I made, so I deferred that
> of the design space until a time when more requirements are known.

That is why I brought up progress information so early: They make things
complicated by there suddenly being several responses to a request and you
need a way to identify those. At that point simpler solutions tend to blow

> > Consistently having a "type" in all messages going back and forth is
> > probably a good idea for the same reason as having cookies.
> Yep.


> Thanks for this useful feedback!

You are welcome.

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