[cmake-developers] CMake alternative language

CHEVRIER, Marc marc.chevrier at sap.com
Thu Jan 14 03:03:24 EST 2016

I fully agree with Alexander.
It seems a very bad idea to use a general purpose script language to manage CMake stuff.

For sure, CMake language is a bit “curious” :) and changing for a more user friendly one is a good idea but, in my opinion, only dedicated languages (I.e. Specialised for the problem to solve) must be considered.

May be a good approach is to enhance current language for more flexibility (for example adding capability for functions to return value, etc…)


On 13/01/16 22:21, "cmake-developers on behalf of Alexander Neundorf" <cmake-developers-bounces at cmake.org on behalf of neundorf at kde.org> wrote:

>On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:59:39 yann suisini wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a new user of CMake, but I just want to express my newcomer point of
>> view.
>> Honestly , I can feel the power of CMAKE, but it's a real pain to learn ...
>> I'm using CMAKE for an embedded platform with a non GNU compiler , ant at
>> the end the CMAKE description is longer than the one I built directly in
>> Ninja.
>> I had to write a python script to parse my eclipse project xml to create a
>> list of sources files usable by CMAKE.
>> The first thing I thought was: why this is not a part of cmake ? And the
>> second thing was : why not using the scripting power of an existing
>> language like Python(or other one) and add CMAKE as a framework / library ?
>My personal opinion: if the full power of python would be available, the build 
>scripts would quickly turn into real programs, because programmers would be 
>tempted to do so if all of python would be available. Then developers would 
>have to understand two programs: the program itself, and the "build program".
>I'm not saying that the cmake language is beautiful, but it helps to keep 
>cmake scripts somewhat simple, and not evolve into a second program 
>additionally to the actual program which is being built.
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