[cmake-developers] Generator expressions for install destination

Robert Goulet Robert.Goulet at autodesk.com
Wed Sep 23 17:18:41 EDT 2015

Here is the patch to support genex for install(DIRECTORY) command DESTINATION option.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad King [mailto:brad.king at kitware.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 3:37 PM
To: Robert Goulet <Robert.Goulet at autodesk.com>; cmake-developers at cmake.org
Subject: Re: [cmake-developers] Generator expressions for install destination

On 09/23/2015 03:19 PM, Robert Goulet wrote:
> I have a similar change that applies the exact same code logic to 
> install(DIRECTORY), but I haven't wrote the test yet. Should I still 
> write a test for it before I send it to you?

Yes, please.  Base the commit on 69ab5f55.  You should be able to find install(DIRECTORY) calls in SimpleInstall and ExportImport similar to those I updated for install(FILES).


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