[cmake-developers] generator expression for path slash conversion

Kislinskiy, Stefan s.kislinskiy at Dkfz-Heidelberg.de
Wed Sep 23 08:40:32 EDT 2015

I wrote the documentation, added a genex test that checks it the given path is converted as expected on different platforms, and added another ExternalProject test for Windows that invokes pushd, which is is command sensitive to the path style. I wasn't sure about the VERSION I am supposed to write into the cmake_minimum_required() line in Tests/ExternalProjectShellPathGenex/CMakeLists.txt, so I chose 3.3.20150923. Maybe you need to adjust the version there? I tried to be as consistent as possible regarding the tests and their already existing fellow tests.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad King [mailto:brad.king at kitware.com] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 17. September 2015 15:56
To: Kislinskiy, Stefan
Cc: CHEVRIER, Marc; cmake-developers at cmake.org; James Johnston
Subject: Re: [cmake-developers] generator expression for path slash conversion

On 09/17/2015 09:51 AM, Kislinskiy, Stefan wrote:
> I wrote a SHELL_PATH genex which uses
> cmOutputConverter->ConvertToOutputFormat(..., SHELL) for the conversion.
> I decided to name the genex SHELL_PATH instead of TO_SHELL_PATH for 
> the sake of consistency to other genexes like LOWER_CASE. What do you think?


> I would write some documentation as well of course.

Yes, please.  Also please look at extending the test suite to cover it.
See Tests/GeneratorExpression for genex unit test examples.  If possible we should also have a case that uses it in practice in a way that fails on invocation of an actual native tool if the slashes are wrong.  That will confirm not only that the genex does what we expect but that it also solves the problem we're trying to solve.


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