[cmake-developers] PATCH: fix sphinx-documentation theme

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Nov 16 11:51:53 EST 2015

On 11/16/2015 11:30 AM, Stuermer, Michael SP/HZA-ZSEP wrote:
>>  https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/commit/034c4e942451fad40350ae3bb3beda6c63a49064
> The warning itself is not the problem, sphinx (at least my current version) simply
> does not have any "default" theme so the design is completely broken in html view.

Ugh.  They seem to have only partial compatiblity with "default" even
though it was supposed to be just a (now removed) warning to use.
Here is another post-1.3 fix upstream upstream:


> If newer sphinx versions introduce a fallback to "classic" theme if "default"
> is configure, it's ok.

That seems to be the case, just not released.  However, CMake's docs should
be made to work with the latest Sphinx release or others will hit this too.
Therefore I would be open to changes making it work as long as they do not
break support for older versions too.  It would be nice to stop using the
old theme on newer versions.


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