[cmake-developers] [PATCH 1/6] Use find on UNIX for fast executable lookup

Adam Strzelecki ono at java.pl
Thu Sep 4 13:43:16 EDT 2014

> I would be concerned with the portability of the arguments to find.

find DIR -perm +FLAGS is part of POSIX/SUS


I guess it exists on systems dated 199x.

> How much faster is this?

With CMake.app build, about 50x. Really going through all files in the bundle including html docs, cmake scripts takes almost a minute.

> How hard would it be to change the c++?

I guess it wouldn't be hard, but we need to agree on naming.

> I have not looked into this myself at all, but the use of an external program raises some red flags for me.

First of all, it looks if "find" exists on system, otherwise it falls back to old (slow) behavior. So "find" is optional dependency.


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