[cmake-developers] fix-OSX-bundle-rpaths-and-Qt5 topic

Clinton Stimpson clinton at elemtech.com
Tue Oct 21 10:22:24 EDT 2014

On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 03:59:19 PM Adam Strzelecki wrote:
> > Regardless of where the bug lies, your changes took a packaging
> > case that worked and made it not work.  That is a regression.
> I am sorry, but 55707fd5 in fact does it CORRECT WAY as it is expressed in:
> https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFr
> ameworks/Concepts/FrameworkAnatomy.html
> and expected by code-sign.
> Resources/ folder needs to lie in VERSION folder, so in out case
> QtGui.framework/Versions/4/Resources/
> Previous CMake was checking and copying QtGui.framework/Resources/ which is
> WRONG as this is wrong place, and it may just be symlink to CORRECT place.
> But such symlink is not obligatory in final bundle.
> It WAS working because Qt was looking in WRONG place for .nib file that was
> copied. Also before 10.9.5 it was code signing well because Apple put some
> heuristics to allow lousy bundles. But these were removed in 10.9.5 for
> code signed bundles.
> But assuming we restore Resources/ optional symlink we can circumvent that.
> And I am working on the patch, just give me few minutes.

+1 for a symlink.  Handling of framework resources in BundleUtilities.cmake 
was originally based on the buggy Qt behavior.  I think Adam's suggested fix 
here is good.


> > Working around it for the packaging machine of CMake itself is
> > not a solution because it could happen to any project built this
> > way.
> I used wrong word, this was not workaround, but introduction of correct
> behavior. But I will add extra change that will restore Resources/ symlinks
> as well.
> > Please extend your changes to restore successful packaging with
> > no special help by adding whatever workarounds are needed.
> If I remove all workarounds and do it ONLY correct way as Apple specified
> then apps using currently release Qt SDKs will not work :>
> Please note this has been fixes in Qt 5.4 beta, so we could remove
> workarounds, but then only most recent Qt SDK would work fine.
> If you need more information ping me on IRC.
> --Adam

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