[cmake-developers] [Patch] Remove hard coded version of RTDLL for Open Watcom

Jiri Malak malak.jiri at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 11:59:08 EST 2014

> On 02/28/2014 09:47 PM, Jiri Malak wrote:
>> remove hardcoded version number for RTDLL.
>> It is derived from compiler version now
> Good, thanks.  Just a couple comments:
> The patch seems to make some unrelated whitespace changes.  Please
> factor those out into a separate commit.
> The WATCOM<NN> variables are left for compatibility with projects
> that expected them to be defined prior to the general availability
> of CMAKE_(C|CXX)_COMPILER_VERSION and should not be removed.  We
> don't have to add any for newer versions of Open Watcom though,
> and can remove uses of them within other CMake-provided modules
> as you did from InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.
> We need to decide whether WATCOM_RTDLL_VERSION is to be a public
> variable or not.  If not then it should be named with a "_" prefix
> or dropped completely and the logic moved to
> InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.  If so then we should add docs
> for it.  My preference is to keep it private so it can be refactored
> later for some currently unforeseen reason.  Applications that need
> the value can always check CMAKE_(C|CXX)_COMPILER_VERSION themselves.
> Thanks,
> -Brad

Thanks for your comment.
I was thinking that WATCOM<NN> is internal variables for run-time DLLs identification,
because version can be anytime derived from CMAKE_..._VERSION variables.
I will not touch them.
WATCOM_RTDLL_VERSION is internal variable holding numbering used in RTDLL name.
Calculation work also for old Watcom compilers 10.x and 11.x
Yes, best will be remove it completely and put stuff into InstallRequiredSystemLibraries to hold
public variable as low as possible.
Exists some rules for tempary variables names used in scripts?



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