[cmake-developers] [Generator] Android.mk

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 03:55:07 EST 2014

Vince Harron wrote:

> Android.mk files allow you to target multiple processor
> architectures/variants in one make invocation without any reconfiguring or
> multiple build folders.  All of those binaries are embedded into one "fat"
> apk file that will run on any supported Android device.  

Sounds interesting.

>> Modules/Platform/Android.cmake
> I've just started playing with it like this as my Android.cmake
> include(Platform/Linux)
> But it's critical to have Android as a separate CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME because
> there are many differences that you might want to switch on.

Indeed. Disabling SONAME is another apparently:


>> Why does that link also say that Android.mk files are only for creating
> shared and static libraries? Am I missing something here?
> All Android applications start life as Java processes.  A java process can
> load a native shared library and invoke code within it.  To emit a C/C++
> executable on Android is the same as to emit a shared library, but linked
> to something called the native_app_glue module.

Interesting. What is the entry point?

I don't decide whether such a generator gets in or not, but I don't see why 
it would not be accepted.



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