[cmake-developers] Bug fix requests for the *next* release of CMake...

Petr Kmoch petr.kmoch at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 08:34:04 EST 2012


On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 8:40 PM, David Cole <david.cole at kitware.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Replies requested. Short replies only. Read on. Just a short reply
> with bug numbers or links to the bugs is all we need here.
> Example one-line reply:
>   http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=13571
> Please move specific discussions into the bugs themselves or start a
> new thread to talk about it... Replies on this thread should just be a
> collector for bug numbers.
> We are aiming for approximately quarterly releases from now on,
> scheduling them every 3 to 4 months. The next release of CMake will
> likely be version 2.8.11, scheduled to have an "rc1" release candidate
> on Wed. January 9, 2013 -- just 9 weeks from today.
> If you have a particular issue that you think should be fixed for
> inclusion in 2.8.11, please bring it up within the next two weeks.
> Ideally, each issue will be discussed as needed on the mailing list to
> come to any consensus about what should be done to fix it, and then an
> entry in the bug tracker may be used to keep it on the radar screen,
> and to track activity related to it. You can see what's already on the
> roadmap for this release here:
>   http://public.kitware.com/Bug/roadmap_page.php?version_id=103
> Patches are always welcome. Patches that include testing of any new
> features, or tests that prove a bug is really fixed on the dashboards,
> (basically any patch with testing) is preferred over a patch with no
> testing. Also, if you are *adding* code, then you also probably need
> to add *tests* of that code, so that the coverage percentage stays as
> is or rises.
> Please discuss issues here as needed, and add notes to existing issues
> in the bug tracker that you are interested in seeing fixed -- we will
> be looking at the mailing list and activity in the bug tracker to help
> prioritize the bug fixes that will occur in the near future.
> Thanks,
> David Cole
> Kitware, Inc.
> P.S. - as a nice summary of what we accomplished in the CMake 2.8.10
> release, see here:
> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/changelog_page.php?version_id=100 -- it
> currently lists 58 issues that we resolved: nice job, everybody!
> (Many of those were specifically addressed because somebody asked for
> it right here on the mailing list... Don't be shy!)
> --
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> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ
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