[cmake-developers] conditionals in generator expressions

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 16:59:04 EDT 2012

Brad King wrote:

> On 05/25/2012 05:18 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> By the way, another thing we would need to cover with this is linking to
>> another library based on the value of a property.
>> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,26577
> That one doesn't have to be delayed until generation time, but if we
> did have generate-time conditionals they could be used for this.

I was thinking about cases like this:

add_executable(Foo ${Foo_SRCS})

# ... Later
get_target_property(is_win_exe Foo WIN32_EXECUTABLE)
if (is_win_exe)
  # ...

# ... Later
set_target_properties(Foo PROPERTIES WIN32_EXECUTABLE True)

I'd like to know the final content of the property, so that I can link the 
static lib in if required.

> We're in agreement that this is turning into a declarative spec.

I thought about this some more and I think I don't understand what you mean 
by this. Do you mean that the contents of the generator expressions should 
be declarative expressions?

> If we keep the evaluation of it at generate time then there is no
> chance that imperative logic will conflict because the imperative
> part runs only during the configuration step.
>> I thought maybe we can discard the idea of using generator expressions
>> built into the property content, and introduce a new finalize() command
>> similar to macro() and function():
> It would have to run once for each configuration to be generated
> and receive said configuration as an argument.  The implementation
> would have to fork the entire representation into independent
> per-configuration branches (cmMakefile, cmTarget, etc.).  It would
> also allow imperative logic after the end of configuration or during
> generation time which should be avoided for the reason above.

So far we don't have agreement about how this should look language-wise as 
far as I can tell. I agree with David that stuffing it into the strings 
harms readability.

Depending on what you meant regarding declarative specification here 
it might be that we haven't found the right idea yet, and we need some more 

I had another idea inspired by javascript, which allows calling any function 
with a different 'this' object (ie, a functional spec rather than 

  # The target this expression is called on is available with the
  # alias 'this_Target'. The configuration is available with the 
  # alias 'this_Config' (or this_BUILD_TYPE, or ...).
  # Maybe 'this_VARIABLE_SCOPE' could be used to determine whether we're 
  # populating a variable for PUBLIC consumption (from imported 
  # targets later), or just for use while building this target.
  if (this_Config STREQUAL "COVERAGE")
    generate_resolved("/foo/bar") # This command is like 
        # 'return'. No further commands in this generator_expression
        # are executed 

  if (this_Config STREQUAL "RELEASE")
    get_target_property(propValue this_Target SOME_SPECIAL_PROP)
    # We can't set properties on the target in a generator_expression.
    if (propValue)

  if (this_Config STREQUAL "DEBUG")
      list(APPEND resolvedStuff "/blip/")
      list(APPEND resolvedStuff "/boog/")
  # Implicit generate_resolved("")

add_library(Foo ${Foo_SRCS})
set_property(TARGET Foo APPEND 
    PROPERTY "/bing/trog;$<GENERATOR:myGenExpr>;/ming/mong"

The $<GENERATOR:someName> could similarly be used for defines and other 
places where we are discussing adding this feature. 

I don't know if there's any reason the language can't or shouldn't be used 
in this way (it may lead to some odd rules about when 
${Qt5WinMain_LIBRARIES} is resolved for example), but it seems we still need 
ideas on how to make this whole target orientation concept work. 



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