[cmake-developers] cmake issues and KDE

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Tue Aug 8 10:19:16 EDT 2006

At 10:02 AM 8/8/2006, Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>I read through those and here are my comments:
>** CMake does not know the concept of subprojects
>*I think argument he is using is bad, but overall this one would be awesome for developers. Maybe having a way to compartmentalize sections of the code. For example in Slicer3, we have VTK, ITK, KWWidgets, Modules, etc. It would be really cool if we could designate parts as independent modules and not do dependency checking when running special targets. For example:
>make all/VTK
>make all/KWWidgets
>So, make all/Project or something similar would only build that project.

I think the idea that we have been thinking about, would be :

cd VTK
make  // this would only build VTK and lower depends 
cd VTK/Common  // this would only build vtkCommon and lower 

make vtkCommon // this would do all the depends.

>** make install does not start an install until compiling finishes
>*The make install thing is there. Just set the appropriate variable (CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY).
>** editing CMakeFiles.txt forces an entire rebuild*
>Not sure about this one. I do know that you can mess-up cmake file so that it will always change something.

We are sort of stuck with this one, they want local generate back.

>** make install should not install files that have not changed
>*I thought we did this, but looks like we do not. Should be really easy to add.

We did, I think the entry is incorrect.  Alex, can you fix that?

>** The interface to cmake is not user friendly enough
>*Brad and I talked about this one and it would not be hard to implement. Especially with some of the new command argument parsing feature. I may look at this one once I convert command line argument parsing of CMake.

A better command line interface would be good, the -D stuff is awkward at best.

>Anyway, good comments. Don't like the unsercmake idea... Whatever it does, we should do on the CMake level.

The post-processing is horrible, and we need to address the issues so the post processing
is stopped.


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