[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.12-4630-gd311799

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 10:37:15 EDT 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "CMake".

The branch, next has been updated
       via  d311799195cfe42790c73d521a9d05997fa67dcb (commit)
       via  4ba7a558a73a8a79c3683f69dbc39525b9b98afc (commit)
      from  ae8391b2bf49633a5d3b8673bd61f0ffad235a0d (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d311799195cfe42790c73d521a9d05997fa67dcb
Merge: ae8391b 4ba7a55
Author:     Stephen Kelly <steveire at gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Tue Oct 29 10:37:11 2013 -0400
Commit:     CMake Topic Stage <kwrobot at kitware.com>
CommitDate: Tue Oct 29 10:37:11 2013 -0400

    Merge topic 'use-generator-target' into next
    4ba7a55 Revert "Move TraceDependencies to cmGeneratorTarget."

diff --cc Source/cmTarget.cxx
index 698115e,13554dd..4311e63
--- a/Source/cmTarget.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmTarget.cxx
@@@ -153,14 -153,8 +156,9 @@@ public
    std::map<std::string, bool> CacheLinkInterfaceIncludeDirectoriesDone;
    std::map<std::string, bool> CacheLinkInterfaceCompileDefinitionsDone;
    std::map<std::string, bool> CacheLinkInterfaceCompileOptionsDone;
 +  std::map<std::string, bool> CacheLinkInterfaceCompilerFeaturesDone;
- cmTarget::SourceEntriesType& cmTarget::GetSourceEntries() const
- {
-   return this->Internal.Get()->SourceEntries;
- }
  void deleteAndClear(
        std::vector<cmTargetInternals::TargetPropertyEntry*> &entries)

commit 4ba7a558a73a8a79c3683f69dbc39525b9b98afc
Author:     Stephen Kelly <steveire at gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Tue Oct 29 15:36:50 2013 +0100
Commit:     Stephen Kelly <steveire at gmail.com>
CommitDate: Tue Oct 29 15:36:50 2013 +0100

    Revert "Move TraceDependencies to cmGeneratorTarget."
    This reverts commit 518aef9319d340f1be82cf97c46291740e469dd8.

diff --git a/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
index ef7e5ab..5ceec91 100644
--- a/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
 #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h"
 #include "cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker.h"
-#include <queue>
 cmGeneratorTarget::cmGeneratorTarget(cmTarget* t): Target(t)
@@ -272,284 +270,6 @@ void cmGeneratorTarget::UseObjectLibraries(std::vector<std::string>& objs)
-class cmTargetTraceDependencies
-  cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmGeneratorTarget* target);
-  void Trace();
-  cmTarget* Target;
-  cmMakefile* Makefile;
-  cmGlobalGenerator* GlobalGenerator;
-  typedef cmTarget::SourceEntry SourceEntry;
-  SourceEntry* CurrentEntry;
-  std::queue<cmSourceFile*> SourceQueue;
-  std::set<cmSourceFile*> SourcesQueued;
-  typedef std::map<cmStdString, cmSourceFile*> NameMapType;
-  NameMapType NameMap;
-  void QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf);
-  void FollowName(std::string const& name);
-  void FollowNames(std::vector<std::string> const& names);
-  bool IsUtility(std::string const& dep);
-  void CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc);
-  void CheckCustomCommands(const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& commands);
-::cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmGeneratorTarget* target):
-  Target(target->Target)
-  // Convenience.
-  this->Makefile = this->Target->GetMakefile();
-  this->GlobalGenerator =
-    this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator();
-  this->CurrentEntry = 0;
-  // Queue all the source files already specified for the target.
-  std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& sources = this->Target->GetSourceFiles();
-  for(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>::const_iterator si = sources.begin();
-      si != sources.end(); ++si)
-    {
-    this->QueueSource(*si);
-    }
-  // Queue pre-build, pre-link, and post-build rule dependencies.
-  this->CheckCustomCommands(this->Target->GetPreBuildCommands());
-  this->CheckCustomCommands(this->Target->GetPreLinkCommands());
-  this->CheckCustomCommands(this->Target->GetPostBuildCommands());
-void cmTargetTraceDependencies::Trace()
-  // Process one dependency at a time until the queue is empty.
-  while(!this->SourceQueue.empty())
-    {
-    // Get the next source from the queue.
-    cmSourceFile* sf = this->SourceQueue.front();
-    this->SourceQueue.pop();
-    this->CurrentEntry = &this->Target->GetSourceEntries()[sf];
-    // Queue dependencies added explicitly by the user.
-    if(const char* additionalDeps = sf->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS"))
-      {
-      std::vector<std::string> objDeps;
-      cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(additionalDeps, objDeps);
-      this->FollowNames(objDeps);
-      }
-    // Queue the source needed to generate this file, if any.
-    this->FollowName(sf->GetFullPath());
-    // Queue dependencies added programatically by commands.
-    this->FollowNames(sf->GetDepends());
-    // Queue custom command dependencies.
-    if(cmCustomCommand const* cc = sf->GetCustomCommand())
-      {
-      this->CheckCustomCommand(*cc);
-      }
-    }
-  this->CurrentEntry = 0;
-void cmTargetTraceDependencies::QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf)
-  if(this->SourcesQueued.insert(sf).second)
-    {
-    this->SourceQueue.push(sf);
-    // Make sure this file is in the target.
-    this->Target->AddSourceFile(sf);
-    }
-void cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowName(std::string const& name)
-  NameMapType::iterator i = this->NameMap.find(name);
-  if(i == this->NameMap.end())
-    {
-    // Check if we know how to generate this file.
-    cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSourceFileWithOutput(name.c_str());
-    NameMapType::value_type entry(name, sf);
-    i = this->NameMap.insert(entry).first;
-    }
-  if(cmSourceFile* sf = i->second)
-    {
-    // Record the dependency we just followed.
-    if(this->CurrentEntry)
-      {
-      this->CurrentEntry->Depends.push_back(sf);
-      }
-    this->QueueSource(sf);
-    }
-cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowNames(std::vector<std::string> const& names)
-  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = names.begin();
-      i != names.end(); ++i)
-    {
-    this->FollowName(*i);
-    }
-bool cmTargetTraceDependencies::IsUtility(std::string const& dep)
-  // Dependencies on targets (utilities) are supposed to be named by
-  // just the target name.  However for compatibility we support
-  // naming the output file generated by the target (assuming there is
-  // no output-name property which old code would not have set).  In
-  // that case the target name will be the file basename of the
-  // dependency.
-  std::string util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(dep);
-  if(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(util) == ".exe")
-    {
-    util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(util);
-    }
-  // Check for a target with this name.
-  if(cmTarget* t = this->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(util.c_str()))
-    {
-    // If we find the target and the dep was given as a full path,
-    // then make sure it was not a full path to something else, and
-    // the fact that the name matched a target was just a coincidence.
-    if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dep.c_str()))
-      {
-      if(t->GetType() >= cmTarget::EXECUTABLE &&
-         t->GetType() <= cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
-        {
-        // This is really only for compatibility so we do not need to
-        // worry about configuration names and output names.
-        std::string tLocation = t->GetLocation(0);
-        tLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(tLocation);
-        std::string depLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(dep);
-        depLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(depLocation.c_str());
-        tLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(tLocation.c_str());
-        if(depLocation == tLocation)
-          {
-          this->Target->AddUtility(util.c_str());
-          return true;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      // The original name of the dependency was not a full path.  It
-      // must name a target, so add the target-level dependency.
-      this->Target->AddUtility(util.c_str());
-      return true;
-      }
-    }
-  // The dependency does not name a target built in this project.
-  return false;
-::CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc)
-  // Transform command names that reference targets built in this
-  // project to corresponding target-level dependencies.
-  cmGeneratorExpression ge(cc.GetBacktrace());
-  // Add target-level dependencies referenced by generator expressions.
-  std::set<cmTarget*> targets;
-  for(cmCustomCommandLines::const_iterator cit = cc.GetCommandLines().begin();
-      cit != cc.GetCommandLines().end(); ++cit)
-    {
-    std::string const& command = *cit->begin();
-    // Check for a target with this name.
-    if(cmTarget* t = this->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(command.c_str()))
-      {
-      if(t->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
-        {
-        // The command refers to an executable target built in
-        // this project.  Add the target-level dependency to make
-        // sure the executable is up to date before this custom
-        // command possibly runs.
-        this->Target->AddUtility(command.c_str());
-        }
-      }
-    // Check for target references in generator expressions.
-    for(cmCustomCommandLine::const_iterator cli = cit->begin();
-        cli != cit->end(); ++cli)
-      {
-      const cmsys::auto_ptr<cmCompiledGeneratorExpression> cge
-                                                              = ge.Parse(*cli);
-      cge->Evaluate(this->Makefile, 0, true);
-      std::set<cmTarget*> geTargets = cge->GetTargets();
-      for(std::set<cmTarget*>::const_iterator it = geTargets.begin();
-          it != geTargets.end(); ++it)
-        {
-        targets.insert(*it);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  for(std::set<cmTarget*>::iterator ti = targets.begin();
-      ti != targets.end(); ++ti)
-    {
-    this->Target->AddUtility((*ti)->GetName());
-    }
-  // Queue the custom command dependencies.
-  std::vector<std::string> const& depends = cc.GetDepends();
-  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator di = depends.begin();
-      di != depends.end(); ++di)
-    {
-    std::string const& dep = *di;
-    if(!this->IsUtility(dep))
-      {
-      // The dependency does not name a target and may be a file we
-      // know how to generate.  Queue it.
-      this->FollowName(dep);
-      }
-    }
-::CheckCustomCommands(const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& commands)
-  for(std::vector<cmCustomCommand>::const_iterator cli = commands.begin();
-      cli != commands.end(); ++cli)
-    {
-    this->CheckCustomCommand(*cli);
-    }
-void cmGeneratorTarget::TraceDependencies()
-  // CMake-generated targets have no dependencies to trace.  Normally tracing
-  // would find nothing anyway, but when building CMake itself the "install"
-  // target command ends up referencing the "cmake" target but we do not
-  // really want the dependency because "install" depend on "all" anyway.
-  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET)
-    {
-    return;
-    }
-  // Use a helper object to trace the dependencies.
-  cmTargetTraceDependencies tracer(this);
-  tracer.Trace();
 void cmGeneratorTarget::GetAppleArchs(const char* config,
                              std::vector<std::string>& archVec)
diff --git a/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h
index 8d08543..9723f72 100644
--- a/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h
+++ b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h
@@ -77,12 +77,6 @@ public:
   /** Add the target output files to the global generator manifest.  */
   void GenerateTargetManifest(const char* config);
-  /**
-   * Trace through the source files in this target and add al source files
-   * that they depend on, used by all generators
-   */
-  void TraceDependencies();
   void ClassifySources();
   void LookupObjectLibraries();
diff --git a/Source/cmLocalGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmLocalGenerator.cxx
index 63ec576..2a29061 100644
--- a/Source/cmLocalGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmLocalGenerator.cxx
@@ -257,11 +257,10 @@ void cmLocalGenerator::ConfigureFinalPass()
 void cmLocalGenerator::TraceDependencies()
   // Generate the rule files for each target.
-  cmGeneratorTargetsType targets = this->Makefile->GetGeneratorTargets();
-  for(cmGeneratorTargetsType::iterator t = targets.begin();
-      t != targets.end(); ++t)
+  cmTargets& targets = this->Makefile->GetTargets();
+  for(cmTargets::iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t)
-    t->second->TraceDependencies();
+    t->second.TraceDependencies();
diff --git a/Source/cmTarget.cxx b/Source/cmTarget.cxx
index 71ce5b2..13554dd 100644
--- a/Source/cmTarget.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmTarget.cxx
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
 #include <map>
 #include <set>
+#include <queue>
 #include <stdlib.h> // required for atof
 #include <assert.h>
@@ -124,7 +125,9 @@ public:
   LinkClosureMapType LinkClosureMap;
-  cmTarget::SourceEntriesType SourceEntries;
+  struct SourceEntry { std::vector<cmSourceFile*> Depends; };
+  typedef std::map<cmSourceFile*, SourceEntry> SourceEntriesType;
+  SourceEntriesType SourceEntries;
   struct TargetPropertyEntry {
     TargetPropertyEntry(cmsys::auto_ptr<cmCompiledGeneratorExpression> cge,
@@ -152,11 +155,6 @@ public:
   std::map<std::string, bool> CacheLinkInterfaceCompileOptionsDone;
-cmTarget::SourceEntriesType& cmTarget::GetSourceEntries() const
-  return this->Internal.Get()->SourceEntries;
 void deleteAndClear(
       std::vector<cmTargetInternals::TargetPropertyEntry*> &entries)
@@ -491,6 +489,285 @@ bool cmTarget::IsBundleOnApple()
+class cmTargetTraceDependencies
+  cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmTarget* target, cmTargetInternals* internal);
+  void Trace();
+  cmTarget* Target;
+  cmTargetInternals* Internal;
+  cmMakefile* Makefile;
+  cmGlobalGenerator* GlobalGenerator;
+  typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntry SourceEntry;
+  SourceEntry* CurrentEntry;
+  std::queue<cmSourceFile*> SourceQueue;
+  std::set<cmSourceFile*> SourcesQueued;
+  typedef std::map<cmStdString, cmSourceFile*> NameMapType;
+  NameMapType NameMap;
+  void QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf);
+  void FollowName(std::string const& name);
+  void FollowNames(std::vector<std::string> const& names);
+  bool IsUtility(std::string const& dep);
+  void CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc);
+  void CheckCustomCommands(const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& commands);
+::cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmTarget* target, cmTargetInternals* internal):
+  Target(target), Internal(internal)
+  // Convenience.
+  this->Makefile = this->Target->GetMakefile();
+  this->GlobalGenerator =
+    this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator();
+  this->CurrentEntry = 0;
+  // Queue all the source files already specified for the target.
+  std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& sources = this->Target->GetSourceFiles();
+  for(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>::const_iterator si = sources.begin();
+      si != sources.end(); ++si)
+    {
+    this->QueueSource(*si);
+    }
+  // Queue pre-build, pre-link, and post-build rule dependencies.
+  this->CheckCustomCommands(this->Target->GetPreBuildCommands());
+  this->CheckCustomCommands(this->Target->GetPreLinkCommands());
+  this->CheckCustomCommands(this->Target->GetPostBuildCommands());
+void cmTargetTraceDependencies::Trace()
+  // Process one dependency at a time until the queue is empty.
+  while(!this->SourceQueue.empty())
+    {
+    // Get the next source from the queue.
+    cmSourceFile* sf = this->SourceQueue.front();
+    this->SourceQueue.pop();
+    this->CurrentEntry = &this->Internal->SourceEntries[sf];
+    // Queue dependencies added explicitly by the user.
+    if(const char* additionalDeps = sf->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS"))
+      {
+      std::vector<std::string> objDeps;
+      cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(additionalDeps, objDeps);
+      this->FollowNames(objDeps);
+      }
+    // Queue the source needed to generate this file, if any.
+    this->FollowName(sf->GetFullPath());
+    // Queue dependencies added programatically by commands.
+    this->FollowNames(sf->GetDepends());
+    // Queue custom command dependencies.
+    if(cmCustomCommand const* cc = sf->GetCustomCommand())
+      {
+      this->CheckCustomCommand(*cc);
+      }
+    }
+  this->CurrentEntry = 0;
+void cmTargetTraceDependencies::QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf)
+  if(this->SourcesQueued.insert(sf).second)
+    {
+    this->SourceQueue.push(sf);
+    // Make sure this file is in the target.
+    this->Target->AddSourceFile(sf);
+    }
+void cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowName(std::string const& name)
+  NameMapType::iterator i = this->NameMap.find(name);
+  if(i == this->NameMap.end())
+    {
+    // Check if we know how to generate this file.
+    cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSourceFileWithOutput(name.c_str());
+    NameMapType::value_type entry(name, sf);
+    i = this->NameMap.insert(entry).first;
+    }
+  if(cmSourceFile* sf = i->second)
+    {
+    // Record the dependency we just followed.
+    if(this->CurrentEntry)
+      {
+      this->CurrentEntry->Depends.push_back(sf);
+      }
+    this->QueueSource(sf);
+    }
+cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowNames(std::vector<std::string> const& names)
+  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = names.begin();
+      i != names.end(); ++i)
+    {
+    this->FollowName(*i);
+    }
+bool cmTargetTraceDependencies::IsUtility(std::string const& dep)
+  // Dependencies on targets (utilities) are supposed to be named by
+  // just the target name.  However for compatibility we support
+  // naming the output file generated by the target (assuming there is
+  // no output-name property which old code would not have set).  In
+  // that case the target name will be the file basename of the
+  // dependency.
+  std::string util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(dep);
+  if(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(util) == ".exe")
+    {
+    util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(util);
+    }
+  // Check for a target with this name.
+  if(cmTarget* t = this->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(util.c_str()))
+    {
+    // If we find the target and the dep was given as a full path,
+    // then make sure it was not a full path to something else, and
+    // the fact that the name matched a target was just a coincidence.
+    if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dep.c_str()))
+      {
+      if(t->GetType() >= cmTarget::EXECUTABLE &&
+         t->GetType() <= cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
+        {
+        // This is really only for compatibility so we do not need to
+        // worry about configuration names and output names.
+        std::string tLocation = t->GetLocation(0);
+        tLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(tLocation);
+        std::string depLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(dep);
+        depLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(depLocation.c_str());
+        tLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(tLocation.c_str());
+        if(depLocation == tLocation)
+          {
+          this->Target->AddUtility(util.c_str());
+          return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    else
+      {
+      // The original name of the dependency was not a full path.  It
+      // must name a target, so add the target-level dependency.
+      this->Target->AddUtility(util.c_str());
+      return true;
+      }
+    }
+  // The dependency does not name a target built in this project.
+  return false;
+::CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc)
+  // Transform command names that reference targets built in this
+  // project to corresponding target-level dependencies.
+  cmGeneratorExpression ge(cc.GetBacktrace());
+  // Add target-level dependencies referenced by generator expressions.
+  std::set<cmTarget*> targets;
+  for(cmCustomCommandLines::const_iterator cit = cc.GetCommandLines().begin();
+      cit != cc.GetCommandLines().end(); ++cit)
+    {
+    std::string const& command = *cit->begin();
+    // Check for a target with this name.
+    if(cmTarget* t = this->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(command.c_str()))
+      {
+      if(t->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)
+        {
+        // The command refers to an executable target built in
+        // this project.  Add the target-level dependency to make
+        // sure the executable is up to date before this custom
+        // command possibly runs.
+        this->Target->AddUtility(command.c_str());
+        }
+      }
+    // Check for target references in generator expressions.
+    for(cmCustomCommandLine::const_iterator cli = cit->begin();
+        cli != cit->end(); ++cli)
+      {
+      const cmsys::auto_ptr<cmCompiledGeneratorExpression> cge
+                                                              = ge.Parse(*cli);
+      cge->Evaluate(this->Makefile, 0, true);
+      std::set<cmTarget*> geTargets = cge->GetTargets();
+      for(std::set<cmTarget*>::const_iterator it = geTargets.begin();
+          it != geTargets.end(); ++it)
+        {
+        targets.insert(*it);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  for(std::set<cmTarget*>::iterator ti = targets.begin();
+      ti != targets.end(); ++ti)
+    {
+    this->Target->AddUtility((*ti)->GetName());
+    }
+  // Queue the custom command dependencies.
+  std::vector<std::string> const& depends = cc.GetDepends();
+  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator di = depends.begin();
+      di != depends.end(); ++di)
+    {
+    std::string const& dep = *di;
+    if(!this->IsUtility(dep))
+      {
+      // The dependency does not name a target and may be a file we
+      // know how to generate.  Queue it.
+      this->FollowName(dep);
+      }
+    }
+::CheckCustomCommands(const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& commands)
+  for(std::vector<cmCustomCommand>::const_iterator cli = commands.begin();
+      cli != commands.end(); ++cli)
+    {
+    this->CheckCustomCommand(*cli);
+    }
+void cmTarget::TraceDependencies()
+  // CMake-generated targets have no dependencies to trace.  Normally tracing
+  // would find nothing anyway, but when building CMake itself the "install"
+  // target command ends up referencing the "cmake" target but we do not
+  // really want the dependency because "install" depend on "all" anyway.
+  if(this->GetType() == cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET)
+    {
+    return;
+    }
+  // Use a helper object to trace the dependencies.
+  cmTargetTraceDependencies tracer(this, this->Internal.Get());
+  tracer.Trace();
 bool cmTarget::FindSourceFiles()
@@ -521,9 +798,11 @@ std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& cmTarget::GetSourceFiles()
 void cmTarget::AddSourceFile(cmSourceFile* sf)
+  typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntriesType SourceEntriesType;
   SourceEntriesType::iterator i = this->Internal->SourceEntries.find(sf);
   if(i == this->Internal->SourceEntries.end())
+    typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntry SourceEntry;
     SourceEntriesType::value_type entry(sf, SourceEntry());
     i = this->Internal->SourceEntries.insert(entry).first;
@@ -534,6 +813,7 @@ void cmTarget::AddSourceFile(cmSourceFile* sf)
 std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const*
 cmTarget::GetSourceDepends(cmSourceFile* sf)
+  typedef cmTargetInternals::SourceEntriesType SourceEntriesType;
   SourceEntriesType::iterator i = this->Internal->SourceEntries.find(sf);
   if(i != this->Internal->SourceEntries.end())
diff --git a/Source/cmTarget.h b/Source/cmTarget.h
index bb73bdc..dd05d5b 100644
--- a/Source/cmTarget.h
+++ b/Source/cmTarget.h
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ class cmGlobalGenerator;
 class cmComputeLinkInformation;
 class cmListFileBacktrace;
 class cmTarget;
-class cmGeneratorTarget;
-class cmTargetTraceDependencies;
 struct cmTargetLinkInformationMap:
   public std::map<std::pair<cmTarget*, std::string>, cmComputeLinkInformation*>
@@ -349,6 +347,12 @@ public:
   void GetTargetVersion(bool soversion, int& major, int& minor, int& patch);
+   * Trace through the source files in this target and add al source files
+   * that they depend on, used by all generators
+   */
+  void TraceDependencies();
+  /**
    * Make sure the full path to all source files is known.
   bool FindSourceFiles();
@@ -566,9 +570,6 @@ private:
   std::vector<std::pair<TLLSignature, cmListFileBacktrace> > TLLCommands;
-  struct SourceEntry { std::vector<cmSourceFile*> Depends; };
-  typedef std::map<cmSourceFile*, SourceEntry> SourceEntriesType;
    * A list of direct dependencies. Use in conjunction with DependencyMap.
@@ -657,8 +658,6 @@ private:
                                        const char* config,
                                        bool contentOnly);
-  SourceEntriesType& GetSourceEntries() const;
   std::string Name;
   std::vector<cmCustomCommand> PreBuildCommands;
@@ -734,8 +733,6 @@ private:
   // Internal representation details.
   friend class cmTargetInternals;
-  friend class cmGeneratorTarget;
-  friend class cmTargetTraceDependencies;
   cmTargetInternalPointer Internal;
   void ConstructSourceFileFlags();


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx |  280 ----------------------------------------
 Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h   |    6 -
 Source/cmLocalGenerator.cxx  |    7 +-
 Source/cmTarget.cxx          |  292 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 Source/cmTarget.h            |   15 +--
 5 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-)


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