[Cmake-commits] [cmake-commits] hoffman committed cmCTestTestHandler.cxx 1.93 1.94
cmake-commits at cmake.org
cmake-commits at cmake.org
Fri Feb 27 16:28:10 EST 2009
Update of /cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CTest
In directory public:/mounts/ram/cvs-serv10539
Modified Files:
Log Message:
BUG: #8642 add pass fail reasons into log file
Index: cmCTestTestHandler.cxx
RCS file: /cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CTest/cmCTestTestHandler.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.93
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -C 2 -d -r1.93 -r1.94
*** cmCTestTestHandler.cxx 24 Feb 2009 22:23:51 -0000 1.93
--- cmCTestTestHandler.cxx 27 Feb 2009 21:28:07 -0000 1.94
*** 762,783 ****
clock_finish = cmSystemTools::GetTime();
! if ( this->LogFile )
! {
! double ttime = clock_finish - clock_start;
! int hours = static_cast<int>(ttime / (60 * 60));
! int minutes = static_cast<int>(ttime / 60) % 60;
! int seconds = static_cast<int>(ttime) % 60;
! char buffer[100];
! sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
! *this->LogFile
! << "----------------------------------------------------------"
! << std::endl
! << "\"" << testname.c_str() << "\" end time: "
! << this->CTest->CurrentTime() << std::endl
! << "\"" << testname.c_str() << "\" time elapsed: "
! << buffer << std::endl
! << "----------------------------------------------------------"
! << std::endl << std::endl;
! }
cres.ExecutionTime = (double)(clock_finish - clock_start);
--- 762,766 ----
clock_finish = cmSystemTools::GetTime();
cres.ExecutionTime = (double)(clock_finish - clock_start);
*** 950,953 ****
--- 933,977 ----
cres.Reason = reason;
+ if ( this->LogFile )
+ {
+ bool pass = true;
+ const char* reasonType = "Test Pass Reason";
+ if(cres.Status != cmCTestTestHandler::COMPLETED &&
+ cres.Status != cmCTestTestHandler::NOT_RUN)
+ {
+ reasonType = "Test Fail Reason";
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ double ttime = clock_finish - clock_start;
+ int hours = static_cast<int>(ttime / (60 * 60));
+ int minutes = static_cast<int>(ttime / 60) % 60;
+ int seconds = static_cast<int>(ttime) % 60;
+ char buffer[100];
+ sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
+ *this->LogFile
+ << "----------------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ if(cres.Reason.size())
+ {
+ *this->LogFile << reasonType << ":\n" << cres.Reason << "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pass)
+ {
+ *this->LogFile << "Test Passed.\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *this->LogFile << "Test Failed.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ *this->LogFile << "\"" << testname.c_str() << "\" end time: "
+ << this->CTest->CurrentTime() << std::endl
+ << "\"" << testname.c_str() << "\" time elapsed: "
+ << buffer << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl << std::endl;
+ }
cres.Output = output;
cres.ReturnValue = retVal;
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