[Cmake-commits] [cmake-commits] king committed cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx 1.220 1.221
cmake-commits at cmake.org
cmake-commits at cmake.org
Mon Mar 31 10:59:04 EDT 2008
Update of /cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source
In directory public:/mounts/ram/cvs-serv1184/Source
Modified Files:
Log Message:
ENH: Improve speed of manifest tool on VS8 and VS9.
- Detect filesystem type where target will be linked
- Use FAT32 workaround only when fs is FAT or FAT32
Index: cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx
RCS file: /cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.220
retrieving revision 1.221
diff -C 2 -d -r1.220 -r1.221
*** cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx 28 Mar 2008 02:00:16 -0000 1.220
--- cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx 31 Mar 2008 14:59:02 -0000 1.221
*** 32,35 ****
--- 32,37 ----
#include <ctype.h> // for isspace
+ static bool cmLVS6G_IsFAT(const char* dir);
class cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorInternals
*** 662,675 ****
fout << "\t\t\t\tProxyFileName=\"$(InputName)_p.c\"/>\n";
// end of <Tool Name=VCMIDLTool
! // If we are building a version 8 project file, add a flag telling the
! // manifest tool to use a workaround for FAT32 file systems, which can cause
! // an empty manifest to be embedded into the resulting executable.
! // See CMake bug #2617.
if ( this->Version >= 8 )
! fout << "\t\t\t<Tool\n\t\t\t\tName=\"VCManifestTool\"\n"
! << "\t\t\t\tUseFAT32Workaround=\"true\"\n"
! << "\t\t\t/>\n";
--- 664,682 ----
fout << "\t\t\t\tProxyFileName=\"$(InputName)_p.c\"/>\n";
// end of <Tool Name=VCMIDLTool
! // Check if we need the FAT32 workaround.
if ( this->Version >= 8 )
! // Check the filesystem type where the target will be written.
! if(cmLVS6G_IsFAT(target.GetDirectory(configName)))
! {
! // Add a flag telling the manifest tool to use a workaround
! // for FAT32 file systems, which can cause an empty manifest
! // to be embedded into the resulting executable. See CMake
! // bug #2617.
! fout << "\t\t\t<Tool\n\t\t\t\tName=\"VCManifestTool\"\n"
! << "\t\t\t\tUseFAT32Workaround=\"true\"\n"
! << "\t\t\t/>\n";
! }
*** 2055,2056 ****
--- 2062,2081 ----
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #include <windows.h>
+ static bool cmLVS6G_IsFAT(const char* dir)
+ {
+ if(dir[0] && dir[1] == ':')
+ {
+ char volRoot[4] = "_:/";
+ volRoot[0] = dir[0];
+ char fsName[16];
+ if(GetVolumeInformation(volRoot, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fsName, 16) &&
+ strstr(fsName, "FAT") != 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
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