[Cmake-commits] [cmake-commits] king committed cmPolicies.cxx 1.19 1.20

cmake-commits at cmake.org cmake-commits at cmake.org
Thu Mar 13 15:02:00 EDT 2008

Update of /cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source
In directory public:/mounts/ram/cvs-serv21169/Source

Modified Files:
Log Message:
ENH: Reduce whitespace in policy warning/error messages.

Index: cmPolicies.cxx
RCS file: /cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmPolicies.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -C 2 -d -r1.19 -r1.20
*** cmPolicies.cxx	13 Mar 2008 15:38:46 -0000	1.19
--- cmPolicies.cxx	13 Mar 2008 19:01:58 -0000	1.20
*** 381,385 ****
    msg <<
      "Policy " << pos->second->IDString << " is not set: "
!     "" << pos->second->ShortDescription << "\n"
      "Run \"cmake --help-policy " << pos->second->IDString << "\" for "
      "policy details.  "
--- 381,385 ----
    msg <<
      "Policy " << pos->second->IDString << " is not set: "
!     "" << pos->second->ShortDescription << "  "
      "Run \"cmake --help-policy " << pos->second->IDString << "\" for "
      "policy details.  "
*** 405,409 ****
    error <<
      "Policy " << pos->second->IDString << " is not set to NEW: "
!     "" << pos->second->ShortDescription << "\n"
      "Run \"cmake --help-policy " << pos->second->IDString << "\" for "
      "policy details.  "
--- 405,409 ----
    error <<
      "Policy " << pos->second->IDString << " is not set to NEW: "
!     "" << pos->second->ShortDescription << "  "
      "Run \"cmake --help-policy " << pos->second->IDString << "\" for "
      "policy details.  "

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