
Set the minimum required version of cmake for a project.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]

If the current version of CMake is lower than that required it will stop processing the project and report an error. When a version higher than 2.4 is specified the command implicitly invokes

cmake_policy(VERSION major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]])

which sets the cmake policy version level to the version specified. When version 2.4 or lower is given the command implicitly invokes

cmake_policy(VERSION 2.4)

which enables compatibility features for CMake 2.4 and lower.

The FATAL_ERROR option is accepted but ignored by CMake 2.6 and higher. It should be specified so CMake versions 2.4 and lower fail with an error instead of just a warning.


Call the cmake_minimum_required() command at the beginning of the top-level CMakeLists.txt file even before calling the project() command. It is important to establish version and policy settings before invoking other commands whose behavior they may affect. See also policy CMP0000.

Calling cmake_minimum_required() inside a function() limits some effects to the function scope when invoked. Such calls should not be made with the intention of having global effects.