New in version 3.31.

execute_process() ENCODING is UTF-8 by default.

The ENCODING option is meaningful only on Windows. It specifies the character encoding expected in the process's output on stdout and stderr. In CMake 3.14 and below the default encoding was NONE, which corresponds to CMake's internal UTF-8 encoding. In CMake 3.15 through CMake 3.30 the default encoding was accidentally changed to AUTO, but the change went unnoticed and was not documented.

CMake 3.31 and above prefer the ENCODING default to be UTF-8. This policy provides compatibility with projects that may have been relying on the default being AUTO.

The OLD behavior of this policy is for execute_process() to use AUTO by default if no ENCODING is specified. The NEW behavior for this policy is to use UTF-8 as the default ENCODING.

This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.31. It may be set by cmake_policy() or cmake_minimum_required(). If it is not set, CMake does not warn, and uses OLD behavior.


The OLD behavior of a policy is deprecated by definition and may be removed in a future version of CMake.