CPack IFW Generator

New in version 3.1.

Configure and run the Qt Installer Framework to generate a Qt installer.


This cpack generator generates configuration and meta information for the Qt Installer Framework (QtIFW), and runs QtIFW tools to generate a Qt installer.

QtIFW provides tools and utilities to create installers for the platforms supported by Qt: Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS.

To make use of this generator, QtIFW needs to be installed. The CPackIFW module looks for the location of the QtIFW command-line utilities, and defines several commands to control the behavior of this generator. See Hints for Finding QtIFW.


You can use the following variables to change the behavior of the CPack IFW generator.



New in version 3.3.

Set to ON to enable addition debug output. By default is OFF.



Name of the installer as displayed on the title bar. If not specified, it defaults to CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY.


Publisher of the software (as shown in the Windows Control Panel). If not specified, it defaults to CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR.


URL to a page that contains product information on your web site.


Filename for a custom installer icon. It must be an absolute path. This should be a .icns file on macOS and a .ico file on Windows. It is ignored on other platforms.


Filename for a custom window icon in PNG format for the Installer application. It must be an absolute path.

Filename for a logo image in PNG format, used as QWizard::LogoPixmap. It must be an absolute path.


New in version 3.8.

Filename for a watermark image in PNG format, used as QWizard::WatermarkPixmap. It must be an absolute path.


New in version 3.8.

Filename for a banner image in PNG format, used as QWizard::BannerPixmap. It must be an absolute path.


New in version 3.8.

Filename for a background image in PNG format, used as QWizard::BackgroundPixmap (only used by MacStyle). It must be an absolute path.


New in version 3.8.

Wizard style to be used (Modern, Mac, Aero or Classic).


New in version 3.8.

Default width of the wizard in pixels. Setting a banner image will override this.


New in version 3.8.

Default height of the wizard in pixels. Setting a watermark image will override this.


New in version 3.20.

Set to OFF if the widget listing installer pages on the left side of the wizard should not be shown.

It is ON by default, but will only have an effect if using QtIFW 4.0 or later.


New in version 3.8.

Color of the titles and subtitles (takes an HTML color code, such as #88FF33).


New in version 3.15.

Filename for a stylesheet. It must be an absolute path.


Default target directory for installation. If CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY is set, this defaults to @ApplicationsDir@/${CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}. If that variable isn't set either, the default used is @RootDir@/usr/local. Predefined variables of the form @...@ are expanded by the QtIFW scripting engine.


Default target directory for installation with administrator rights.

You can use predefined variables.


New in version 3.11.

Set to OFF if the target directory should not be deleted when uninstalling.

Is ON by default


The group, which will be used to configure the root package.


The root package name, which will be used if the configuration group is not specified.


New in version 3.3.

Name of the default program group for the product in the Windows Start menu. If not specified, it defaults to CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_NAME.


New in version 3.3.

Filename of the generated maintenance tool. The platform-specific executable file extension will be appended.

If not specified, QtIFW provides a default name (maintenancetool).


New in version 3.3.

Filename for the configuration of the generated maintenance tool.

If not specified, QtIFW uses a default file name (maintenancetool.ini).


New in version 3.3.

Set to ON if the installation path can contain non-ASCII characters. Only supported for QtIFW 2.0 and later. Older QtIFW versions will always allow non-ASCII characters.


New in version 3.3.

Set to OFF if the installation path cannot contain space characters.

Is ON for QtIFW less 2.0 tools.


New in version 3.23.

Set to ON if command line interface features should be disabled. It is OFF by default and will only have an effect if using QtIFW 4.0 or later.


New in version 3.3.

Filename for a custom installer control script.


New in version 3.7.

List of additional resources (.qrc files) to include in the installer binary. They should be specified as absolute paths and no two resource files can have the same file name.

You can use the cpack_ifw_add_package_resources() command to resolve relative paths.


New in version 3.10.

The target binary extension.

On Linux, the name of the target binary is automatically extended with .run, if you do not specify the extension.

On Windows, the target is created as an application with the extension .exe, which is automatically added, if not supplied.

On Mac, the target is created as an DMG disk image with the extension .dmg, which is automatically added, if not supplied.


The list of remote repositories.

The default value of this variable is computed by CPack and contains all repositories added with cpack_ifw_add_repository() or updated with cpack_ifw_update_repository().


If this is ON, all components will be downloaded. If not set, the behavior is determined by whether cpack_configure_downloads() has been called with the ALL option or not.


New in version 3.23.

A list of images to be shown on the PerformInstallationPage. These must be absolute paths and the images must be in PNG format.

This feature is available for QtIFW 4.0.0 and later.


New in version 3.31.

A list of URLs associated with the ProductImages. Only used if CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_PRODUCT_IMAGES is defined and it has the same size.

This feature is available for QtIFW 4.0.0 and later.


New in version 3.23.

Command executed after the installer is finished, if the user accepts the action. Provide the full path to the application, as found when installed. This typically means the path should begin with the QtIFW predefined variable @TargetDir@.

This feature is available for QtIFW 4.0.0 and later.


New in version 3.23.

List of arguments passed to the program specified in CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_RUN_PROGRAM.

This feature is available for QtIFW 4.0.0 and later.


New in version 3.23.

Text shown next to the check box for running the program after the installation. If CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_RUN_PROGRAM is set but no description is provided, QtIFW will use a default message like Run <Name> now.

This feature is available for QtIFW 4.0.0 and later.


New in version 3.23.

Allows specifying a code signing identity to be used for signing the generated app bundle. Only available on macOS, ignored on other platforms.


New in version 3.23.

Set the format used when packaging new component data archives. If you omit this option, the 7z format will be used as a default. Supported formats:

  • 7z

  • zip

  • tar.gz

  • tar.bz2

  • tar.xz


If the Qt Installer Framework tools were built without libarchive support, only 7z format is supported.

This feature is available for QtIFW 4.2.0 and later.


New in version 3.23.

Archive compression level. The allowable values are:

  • 0 (No compression)

  • 1 (Fastest compression)

  • 3 (Fast compression)

  • 5 (Normal compression)

  • 7 (Maximum compression)

  • 9 (Ultra compression)

If this variable is not set, QtIFW will use a default compression level, which will typically be 5 (Normal compression).


Some formats do not support all the possible values. For example zip compression only supports values from 1 to 7.

This feature is available for QtIFW 4.2.0 and later.



Resolve duplicate names when installing components with groups.


Additional prepared packages directories that will be used to resolve dependent components.


New in version 3.10.

Additional prepared repository directories that will be used to resolve and repack dependent components.

This feature is available for QtIFW 3.1 and later.

QtIFW Tools


New in version 3.3.

The version of the QtIFW tools that will be used. This variable is set by the CPackIFW module.

The following variables provide the locations of the QtIFW command-line tools as discovered by the CPackIFW module. These variables are cached, and may be configured if needed.


New in version 3.19.

The path to archivegen.


The path to binarycreator.


The path to repogen.


The path to installerbase.


The path to devtool.

Hints for Finding QtIFW

Generally, the CPack IFW generator automatically finds QtIFW tools. The following (in order of precedence) can also be set to augment the locations normally searched by find_program():


New in version 3.9.

CMake variable


New in version 3.9.

Environment variable


CMake variable


Environment variable


The specified path should not contain bin at the end (for example: D:\\DevTools\\QtIFW2.0.5).

Other Settings

Online installer

By default, this generator generates an offline installer. This means that all packaged files are fully contained in the installer executable.

In contrast, an online installer will download some or all components from a remote server.

The DOWNLOADED option in the cpack_add_component() command specifies that a component is to be downloaded. Alternatively, the ALL option in the cpack_configure_downloads() command specifies that all components are to be be downloaded.

The cpack_ifw_add_repository() command and the CPACK_IFW_DOWNLOAD_ALL variable allow for more specific configuration.

When there are online components, CPack will write them to archive files. The help page of the CPackComponent module, especially the section on the cpack_configure_downloads() function, explains how to make these files accessible from a download URL.


New in version 3.9.

Some variables and command arguments support internationalization via CMake script. This is an optional feature.

Installers created by QtIFW tools have built-in support for internationalization and many phrases are localized to many languages, but this does not apply to the description of your components and groups.

Localization of the description of your components and groups is useful for users of your installers.

A localized variable or argument can contain a single default value, and after that a set of pairs with the name of the locale and the localized value.

For example:

set(LOCALIZABLE_VARIABLE "Default value"
  en "English value"
  en_US "American value"
  en_GB "Great Britain value"

See Also

Qt Installer Framework Manual:

Download Qt Installer Framework for your platform from Qt site: