
Find the ZeroC Internet Communication Engine (ICE) programs, libraries and datafiles.

This module supports multiple components. Components can include any of: Freeze, Glacier2, Ice, IceBox, IceDB, IceGrid, IcePatch, IceSSL, IceStorm, IceUtil, IceXML, or Slice.

This module reports information about the Ice installation in several variables. General variables:

Ice_VERSION - Ice release version
Ice_FOUND - true if the main programs and libraries were found
Ice_LIBRARIES - component libraries to be linked
Ice_INCLUDE_DIRS - the directories containing the Ice headers
Ice_SLICE_DIRS - the directories containing the Ice slice interface

Ice programs are reported in:

Ice_SLICE2CPP_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2cpp executable
Ice_SLICE2CS_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2cs executable
Ice_SLICE2FREEZEJ_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2freezej executable
Ice_SLICE2FREEZE_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2freeze executable
Ice_SLICE2HTML_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2html executable
Ice_SLICE2JAVA_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2java executable
Ice_SLICE2PHP_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2php executable
Ice_SLICE2PY_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2py executable
Ice_SLICE2RB_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2rb executable

Ice component libraries are reported in:

Ice_<C>_FOUND - ON if component was found
Ice_<C>_LIBRARIES - libraries for component

Note that <C> is the uppercased name of the component.

This module reads hints about search results from:

Ice_HOME - the root of the Ice installation

The environment variable ICE_HOME may also be used; the Ice_HOME variable takes precedence.

The following cache variables may also be set:

Ice_<P>_EXECUTABLE - the path to executable <P>
Ice_INCLUDE_DIR - the directory containing the Ice headers
Ice_SLICE_DIR - the directory containing the Ice slice interface
Ice_<C>_LIBRARY - the library for component <C>


In most cases none of the above variables will require setting, unless multiple Ice versions are available and a specific version is required. On Windows, the most recent version of Ice will be found through the registry. On Unix, the programs, headers and libraries will usually be in standard locations, but Ice_SLICE_DIRS might not be automatically detected (commonly known locations are searched). All the other variables are defaulted using Ice_HOME, if set. It’s possible to set Ice_HOME and selectively specify alternative locations for the other components; this might be required for e.g. newer versions of Visual Studio if the heuristics are not sufficient to identify the correct programs and libraries for the specific Visual Studio version.

Other variables one may set to control this module are:

Ice_DEBUG - Set to ON to enable debug output from FindIce.