CPack productbuild Generator

productbuild CPack generator (macOS).

Variables specific to CPack productbuild generator

The following variable is specific to installers built on Mac macOS using ProductBuild:


Path to the productbuild(1) command used to generate a product archive for the macOS Installer or Mac App Store. This variable can be used to override the automatically detected command (or specify its location if the auto-detection fails to find it).


Adds a digital signature to the resulting package.


Specify a specific keychain to search for the signing identity.


Path to the pkgbuild(1) command used to generate an macOS component package on macOS. This variable can be used to override the automatically detected command (or specify its location if the auto-detection fails to find it).


Adds a digital signature to the resulting package.


Specify a specific keychain to search for the signing identity.


Full path to a file that will be used as the preinstall script for the named <COMP> component’s package, where <COMP> is the uppercased component name. No preinstall script is added if this variable is not defined for a given component.


Full path to a file that will be used as the postinstall script for the named <COMP> component’s package, where <COMP> is the uppercased component name. No postinstall script is added if this variable is not defined for a given component.


If specified the productbuild generator copies files from this directory (including subdirectories) to the Resources directory. This is done before the CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_WELCOME, CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README, and CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE files are copied.