Find a VTK installation or build tree.
The following variables are set if VTK is found. If VTK is not found, VTK_FOUND is set to false.
VTK_FOUND - Set to true when VTK is found.
VTK_USE_FILE - CMake file to use VTK.
VTK_MAJOR_VERSION - The VTK major version number.
VTK_MINOR_VERSION - The VTK minor version number
(odd non-release).
VTK_BUILD_VERSION - The VTK patch level
(meaningless for odd minor).
VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include directories for VTK
VTK_LIBRARY_DIRS - Link directories for VTK libraries
VTK_KITS - List of VTK kits, in CAPS
(COMMON,IO,) etc.
VTK_LANGUAGES - List of wrapped languages, in CAPS
(TCL, PYHTON,) etc.
The following cache entries must be set by the user to locate VTK:
VTK_DIR - The directory containing VTKConfig.cmake.
This is either the root of the build tree,
or the lib/vtk directory. This is the
only cache entry.
The following variables are set for backward compatibility and should not be used in new code:
USE_VTK_FILE - The full path to the UseVTK.cmake file.
This is provided for backward
compatibility. Use VTK_USE_FILE