Added in version 4.0.

Enable or disable CMake diagnostics output in SARIF format for a project.

If enabled, CMake will generate a SARIF log file containing diagnostic messages output by CMake when running in a project. By default, the log file is written to .cmake/sarif/cmake.sarif, but the location can be changed by setting the command-line option cmake --sarif-output to the desired path.

The Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) is a JSON-based standard format for static analysis tools (including build tools like CMake) to record and communicate diagnostic messages. CMake generates a SARIF log entry for warnings and errors produced while running CMake on a project (e.g. message() calls). Each log entry includes the message, severity, and location information if available.

An example of CMake's SARIF output is:

  "version" : "2.1.0",
  "$schema" : "",
  "runs" :
      "tool" :
        "driver" :
          "name" : "CMake",
          "rules" :
              "id" : "CMake.Warning",
              "messageStrings" :
                "default" :
                  "text" : "CMake Warning: {0}"
              "name" : "CMake Warning"
      "results" :
          "level" : "warning",
          "locations" :
              "physicalLocation" :
                "artifactLocation" :
                  "uri" : "/home/user/development/project/CMakeLists.txt"
                "region" :
                  "startLine" : 5
          "message" :
            "text" : "An example warning"
          "ruleId" : "CMake.Warning",
          "ruleIndex" : 0