
Added in version 3.31.

De-duplication of static libraries on link lines keeps first occurrence. This policy is only relevant when policy CMP0156 is set to NEW.

Based on the linker capabilities, the static libraries can be de-duplicated. See policy CMP0156 for more information.

CMake 3.30 and below may choose to keep, on some platforms, the last occurrence of the static libraries rather than the fist occurrence when they are de-duplicated.

CMake 3.31 and above prefer to keep, on all platforms, the first occurrence of the static libraries when they are de-duplicated.

The OLD behavior for this policy is to keep, on some platforms, the last occurrence of the static libraries when they are de-duplicated. The NEW behavior for this policy is to keep the first occurrence of the static libraries when they are de-duplicated, regardless of the platform.

This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.31. It may be set by cmake_policy() or cmake_minimum_required(). If it is not set, CMake does not warn, and uses OLD behavior.


The OLD behavior of a policy is deprecated by definition and may be removed in a future version of CMake.