Green Hills MULTI

Added in version 3.3.

Added in version 3.15: Linux support.

Generates Green Hills MULTI project files (experimental, work-in-progress).

The buildsystem has predetermined build-configuration settings that can be controlled via the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable.

Platform Selection

Added in version 3.13.

The variable GHS_PRIMARY_TARGET can be used to select the target platform.

Sets primaryTarget entry in project file.

For example:

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -D GHS_PRIMARY_TARGET=ppc_integrity.tgt

Otherwise the primaryTarget will be composed from the values of CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM and GHS_TARGET_PLATFORM. Defaulting to the value of arm_integrity.tgt

  • The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable may be set, perhaps via the cmake -A option.

    Typical values of arm, ppc, 86, etcetera, are used.
  • The variable GHS_TARGET_PLATFORM may be set, perhaps via the cmake -D option.

    Defaults to integrity.
    Usual values are integrity, threadx, uvelosity, velosity, vxworks, standalone.

For example:

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" for arm_integrity.tgt.

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -A 86 for 86_integrity.tgt.

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -D GHS_TARGET_PLATFORM=standalone for arm_standalone.tgt.

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -A ppc -D GHS_TARGET_PLATFORM=standalone for ppc_standalone.tgt.

Toolset Selection

Added in version 3.13.

The generator searches for the latest compiler or can be given a location to use. GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT is the directory that is checked for the latest compiler.

  • The CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET option may be set, perhaps via the cmake -T option, to specify the location of the toolset. Both absolute and relative paths are valid. Paths are relative to GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT.

  • The variable GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT may be set, perhaps via the cmake -D option.

    Root path for toolset searches and relative paths.
    Defaults to C:/ghs in Windows or /usr/ghs in Linux.

For example, setting a specific compiler:

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -T comp_201754 for /usr/ghs/comp_201754.

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -T comp_201754 -D GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT=/opt/ghs for /opt/ghs/comp_201754.

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -T /usr/ghs/comp_201554

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -T C:/ghs/comp_201754

For example, searching for latest compiler:

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" for searching /usr/ghs.

  • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI -D GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT=/opt/ghs" for searching /opt/ghs.


The CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET should use CMake style paths.

OS and BSP Selection

Added in version 3.3.

Certain target platforms, like Integrity, require an OS. The RTOS directory path can be explicitly set using GHS_OS_DIR. Otherwise GHS_OS_ROOT will be searched for the latest Integrity RTOS.

If the target platform, like Integrity, requires a BSP name then it can be set via the GHS_BSP_NAME variable.


    Sets -os_dir entry in project file.
    GHS_OS_DIR_OPTION default value is -os_dir.

    Added in version 3.15: The GHS_OS_DIR_OPTION variable.

    For example:

    • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -D GHS_OS_DIR=/usr/ghs/int1144


    Root path for RTOS searches.
    Defaults to C:/ghs in Windows or /usr/ghs in Linux.

    For example:

    • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -D GHS_OS_ROOT=/opt/ghs


    Sets -bsp entry in project file.
    Defaults to sim<arch> for integrity platforms.

    For example:

    • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" for simarm on arm_integrity.tgt.

    • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -A 86 for sim86 on 86_integrity.tgt.

    • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -A ppc -D GHS_BSP_NAME=sim800 for sim800 on ppc_integrity.tgt.

    • cmake -G "Green Hills MULTI" -D GHS_PRIMARY_TARGET=ppc_integrity.tgt -D GHS_BSP_NAME=fsl-t1040 for fsl-t1040 on ppc_integrity.tgt.

Target Properties

Added in version 3.14.

The following properties are available:

MULTI Project Variables

Added in version 3.3.

Adding a Customization file and macros are available through the use of the following variables:

  • GHS_CUSTOMIZATION - CMake path name to Customization File.

  • GHS_GPJ_MACROS - CMake list of Macros.


This generator is deemed experimental as of CMake 4.0.0-rc2 and is still a work in progress. Future versions of CMake may make breaking changes as the generator matures.