New in version 3.24.

Used to verify that all headers in a target's PUBLIC and INTERFACE header sets can be included on their own.

When this property is set to true, and the target is an object library, static library, shared library, interface library, or executable with exports enabled, and the target has one or more PUBLIC or INTERFACE header sets, an object library target named <target_name>_verify_interface_header_sets is created. This verification target has one source file per header in the PUBLIC and INTERFACE header sets. Each source file only includes its associated header file. The verification target links against the original target to get all of its usage requirements. The verification target has its EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL and DISABLE_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS properties set to true, and its AUTOMOC, AUTORCC, AUTOUIC, and UNITY_BUILD properties set to false.

If the header's LANGUAGE property is set, the value of that property is used to determine the language with which to compile the header file. Otherwise, if the target has any C++ sources, the header is compiled as C++. Otherwise, if the target has any C sources, the header is compiled as C. Otherwise, if C++ is enabled globally, the header is compiled as C++. Otherwise, if C is enabled globally, the header is compiled as C. Otherwise, the header file is not compiled.

If the header's SKIP_LINTING property is set to true, the file is not compiled.

If any verification targets are created, a top-level target called all_verify_interface_header_sets is created which depends on all verification targets.

This property is initialized by the value of the CMAKE_VERIFY_INTERFACE_HEADER_SETS variable if it is set when a target is created.

If the project wishes to control which header sets are verified by this property, it can set INTERFACE_HEADER_SETS_TO_VERIFY.