Added in version 4.0.

By default, the unity file generated when UNITY_BUILD is enabled uses absolute paths to reference the original source files. This causes the unity file to result in a different output depending on the location of the source files.

When this property is set to true, the #include lines inside the generated unity source files will attempt to use relative paths to the original source files if possible in order to standardize the output of the unity file.

The unity file's path to the original source file will use the following priority:

  • relative path to the generated unity file if the source file exists directly or in subfolder under the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR

  • relative path to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR if the source file exists directly or in subfolder under the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR

  • absolute path to the source file.

This target property does not guarantee a consistent unity file across different environments as the final priority is an absolute path.

Example usage:


set_target_properties(example_library PROPERTIES
                      UNITY_BUILD True
                      UNITY_BUILD_RELOCATABLE TRUE)