MantisBT - CMake
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0009976CMakeModulespublic2009-11-30 02:182011-05-02 14:45
Alexey Ozeritsky 
CMake 2.8.4CMake 2.8.4 
0009976: FindLAPACK and FindBLAS should also work for C++/C only projects
When I look at the FindLAPACK and FindBLAS module,
there is a FORTRAN check and always fails on C/C++ only projects.

There may be a environment with LAPACK/BLAS but without Fortran compiler.
So FindLAPACK and FindBLAS module should not restrict to Fortran capable system.
No tags attached.
related to 0011219closed Alexey Ozeritsky FindBLAS cannot find acml_mp 
? FindBLAS.cmake (13,811) 2010-09-11 15:26
patch 0001-FindBLAS-Work-in-C-C-projects-without-Fortran.patch (4,236) 2010-12-15 09:21
Issue History
2009-11-30 02:18Ryo IGARASHINew Issue
2010-09-11 15:26Alexey OzeritskyFile Added: FindBLAS.cmake
2010-09-11 15:27Alexey OzeritskyNote Added: 0022192
2010-12-15 09:06David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2010-12-15 09:06David ColeAssigned To => Brad King
2010-12-15 09:16Brad KingFile Added: 0001-FindBLAS-Work-in-C-C-projects-without-Fortran.patch
2010-12-15 09:16Brad KingFile Deleted: 0001-FindBLAS-Work-in-C-C-projects-without-Fortran.patch
2010-12-15 09:21Brad KingFile Added: 0001-FindBLAS-Work-in-C-C-projects-without-Fortran.patch
2010-12-15 09:22Brad KingNote Added: 0024145
2010-12-15 09:27Brad KingRelationship addedrelated to 0011219
2010-12-16 08:13Brad KingAssigned ToBrad King => Alexey Ozeritsky
2011-01-03 09:16Alexey OzeritskyNote Added: 0024355
2011-01-03 09:16Alexey OzeritskyStatusassigned => resolved
2011-01-03 09:16Alexey OzeritskyResolutionopen => fixed
2011-01-12 07:13David ColeFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.4
2011-01-12 07:13David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.4
2011-05-02 14:45David ColeNote Added: 0026330
2011-05-02 14:45David ColeStatusresolved => closed

Alexey Ozeritsky   
2010-09-11 15:27   
Attached file solves the problem. Tested with acml,mkl,generic blas + gcc and msvc 2008.
Brad King   
2010-12-15 09:22   
I converted the attached file to a patch:


and took out the "acml_mp;acml_mv" hunk which appears to be for issue 0011219.
Alexey Ozeritsky   
2011-01-03 09:16;a=commit;h=51253da8bb193cdac4ac45ac43b250cecc2c0e87 [^];a=commit;h=4f007638141bafc8747e809916e10df9f2ee651b [^]
David Cole   
2011-05-02 14:45   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 3 months.