MantisBT - CMake
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0008400CMakeCMakepublic2009-01-19 12:562009-01-21 16:52
James Bigler 
Brad King 
0008400: Visual Studio generator doesn't do copy_if_different for .sln files.
It appears that the visual studio generator doesn't do a copy_if_different for the .sln files. If you make a non semantic change to a CMakeLists.txt file (such as change a message statement or a comment), the VS plugin asks to reload the solution even though nothing should have changed. The file also changes on disk. [^]
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related to 0008172closed Brad King ALL_BUILD is not the default StartUp Project in Visual Studio 7.0 or later versions 
Issue History
2009-01-19 12:56James BiglerNew Issue
2009-01-19 13:43David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2009-01-19 13:43David ColeAssigned To => David Cole
2009-01-21 16:49Brad KingAssigned ToDavid Cole => Brad King
2009-01-21 16:52Brad KingNote Added: 0014652
2009-01-21 16:52Brad KingNote Added: 0014653
2009-01-21 16:52Brad KingStatusassigned => closed
2009-01-21 16:52Brad KingResolutionopen => fixed
2009-01-21 16:53Brad KingRelationship addedrelated to 0008172

Brad King   
2009-01-21 16:52   
It does do copy-if-different. The problem is that the file gets generated differently too often. The order of projects written into the solution by 2.6.2 is based on internal pointer values. CMake 2.4 ordered targets by name which was always consistent. This problem was created when we implemented the feature to magically pull in dependent targets in a subproject solution file. I've committed a fix to restore the ordering by name.

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio71Generator.cxx,v <--
new revision: 1.51; previous revision: 1.50
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx,v <--
new revision: 1.103; previous revision: 1.102
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator.h,v <--
new revision: 1.46; previous revision: 1.45
Brad King   
2009-01-21 16:52   
I've scheduled this fix to be included in 2.6.3.