MantisBT - CMake
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0006151CMakeModulespublic2007-12-12 08:452008-01-02 17:13
Tristan Carel 
0006151: Modules/UseSWIG.cmake: Resolve unecessary rebuild of target
Whatever the target language, ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND directives, created by the SWIG_ADD_MODULE macro, believed that one of there created file was <swig_input_basename>.py
2 consequences:
- Targets in language different than Python were rebuilt all the time.
- Python specific: when module name doesn't match the swig filename, target is also rebuilt all the time. Workaround: use a source file property to force the name of the generated module.

Apply fix on `Modules/UseSWIG.cmake'
No tags attached.
diff UseSwig.cmake.diff (1,291) 2007-12-12 08:45
Issue History
2007-12-12 08:45Tristan CarelNew Issue
2007-12-12 08:45Tristan CarelFile Added: UseSwig.cmake.diff
2007-12-14 09:39Bill HoffmanCategoryCMake => Modules
2007-12-14 20:28Bill HoffmanStatusnew => acknowledged
2008-01-02 17:13Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0010050
2008-01-02 17:13Bill HoffmanStatusacknowledged => closed
2008-01-02 17:13Bill HoffmanResolutionopen => fixed

Bill Hoffman   
2008-01-02 17:13   
OK, this is fixed in CVS:

$ cvs commit -m "BUG: fix for bug 6151" UseSWIG.cmake
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Modules/UseSWIG.cmake,v <-- UseSWIG.cmake
new revision: 1.17; previous revision: 1.16