MantisBT - CMake
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0015206CMakeCMakepublic2014-10-14 02:282015-04-06 09:07
Lorenz Witte 
Brad King 
CMake 3.0.2 
CMake 3.2CMake 3.2 
0015206: add_jar() in UseJava.cmake uses wrong classpath seperator when cross-compiling under Windows
The condition to use ";" as classpath separator includes a check for the switch "WIN32" which is a target switch. When cross-compiling for a non-windows target, this switch is not present and the separator defaults to ":".

I think it should rather check for "CMAKE_HOST_WIN32" instead.
Call add_jar() during a cross-compilation on a Windows host.
No tags attached.
patch 0001-fixed-classpath-separator-on-WIN32-cross-compilation.patch (891) 2014-10-14 02:28
Issue History
2014-10-14 02:28Lorenz WitteNew Issue
2014-10-14 02:28Lorenz WitteFile Added: 0001-fixed-classpath-separator-on-WIN32-cross-compilation.patch
2014-10-14 10:02Brad KingNote Added: 0037030
2014-10-14 10:03Brad KingAssigned To => Brad King
2014-10-14 10:03Brad KingStatusnew => resolved
2014-10-14 10:03Brad KingResolutionopen => fixed
2014-10-14 10:03Brad KingFixed in Version => CMake 3.2
2014-10-14 10:03Brad KingTarget Version => CMake 3.2
2015-04-06 09:07Robert MaynardNote Added: 0038423
2015-04-06 09:07Robert MaynardStatusresolved => closed

Brad King   
2014-10-14 10:02   
Applied, thanks:

 UseJava: Fix classpath separator on WIN32 cross compilation;a=commitdiff;h=7a373d5e [^]
Robert Maynard   
2015-04-06 09:07   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.