MantisBT - CMake
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0012490CMakeCTestpublic2011-10-04 13:552012-03-06 08:37
David Cole 
i386Linux (Ubuntu)3.0.0-12
CMake 2.8.5 
CMake 2.8.7CMake 2.8.7 
0012490: Coverage counts 0 lines when path too long
If the path to the .gcov files to be generated becomes to long, there is no error message, the LOC counters are just 0.
Dropping the attached files in a directory like '/home/pascal/ctest-cov' and running
mkdir d && cd d && cmake .. && make && make ExperimentalTest && make ExperimentalCoverage

    Covered LOC: 2
    Not covered LOC: 0
    Total LOC: 2

But when using 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890123456789' instead of 'd',
it yields
    Covered LOC: 0
    Not covered LOC: 0
    Total LOC: 0
cmake version 2.8.5
ctest version 2.8.5
c++ (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) 4.6.1
gcov (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) 4.6.1
No tags attached.
related to 0012415closed David Cole CTest doesn't push all generated coverage files to CDash 
related to 0011717closed David Cole gcov: handling the same file name in different directories 
txt CMakeLists.txt (279) 2011-10-04 13:55
cpp test.cpp (37) 2011-10-04 13:56
log long.log (9,146) 2011-10-04 13:56
log short.log (8,112) 2011-10-04 13:56
Issue History
2011-10-04 13:55funkycoderNew Issue
2011-10-04 13:55funkycoderFile Added: CMakeLists.txt
2011-10-04 13:56funkycoderFile Added: test.cpp
2011-10-04 13:56funkycoderFile Added: long.log
2011-10-04 13:56funkycoderFile Added: short.log
2011-10-04 13:57funkycoderNote Added: 0027521
2011-10-05 17:30David ColeRelationship addedrelated to 0012415
2011-10-05 17:31David ColeAssigned To => David Cole
2011-10-05 17:31David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2011-10-05 17:32David ColeRelationship addedrelated to 0011717
2011-10-05 17:32David ColeNote Added: 0027532
2011-10-21 12:20David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.7
2011-10-22 11:18David ColeNote Added: 0027616
2011-10-22 11:18David ColeStatusassigned => resolved
2011-10-22 11:18David ColeFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.7
2011-10-22 11:18David ColeResolutionopen => fixed
2012-03-06 08:37David ColeNote Added: 0028828
2012-03-06 08:37David ColeStatusresolved => closed

2011-10-04 13:57   
long.log and short.log is the output of 'ctest --debug -VV -D ExperimentalCoverage' in long and short paths respectively.
David Cole   
2011-10-05 17:32   
I suspect the fix for 0011717 is the cause of this, and the other related bug...
David Cole   
2011-10-22 11:18   
Fix pushed to 'next':;a=commitdiff;h=2f309cba455d0a946e935f66a53561ba64717faf [^]
David Cole   
2012-03-06 08:37   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.