MantisBT - CMake
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0010476CMakeCTestpublic2010-03-29 05:152012-03-06 08:37
Rolf Eike Beer 
David Cole 
CMake 2.8.7CMake 2.8.7 
0010476: No program output if CTest aborts test with timeout
When a test takes too long and is aborted by CTest no command output is written to the test report. Without that output it's harder to see what actually went wrong.
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Issue History
2010-03-29 05:15Rolf Eike BeerNew Issue
2010-08-18 00:38David ColeNote Added: 0021791
2010-08-31 15:30David ColeNote Added: 0022028
2011-01-17 15:40David ColeAssigned To => David Cole
2011-01-17 15:40David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2011-02-03 15:15Rolf Eike BeerNote Added: 0025248
2011-08-01 11:18David ColeNote Added: 0027141
2011-08-01 11:18David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.6
2011-09-22 16:56David ColeNote Added: 0027477
2011-09-22 16:56David ColeTarget VersionCMake 2.8.6 =>
2011-10-22 06:20Rolf Eike BeerNote Added: 0027613
2011-10-26 00:07David ColeAssigned ToDavid Cole =>
2011-10-26 00:07David ColeStatusassigned => backlog
2011-10-28 12:20David ColeAssigned To => David Cole
2011-10-28 12:20David ColeStatusbacklog => assigned
2011-10-28 12:21David ColeNote Added: 0027669
2011-10-28 12:21David ColeStatusassigned => resolved
2011-10-28 12:21David ColeFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.7
2011-10-28 12:21David ColeResolutionopen => fixed
2011-10-28 12:21David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.7
2012-03-06 08:37David ColeNote Added: 0028840
2012-03-06 08:37David ColeStatusresolved => closed

David Cole   
2010-08-18 00:38   
Does this still occur with ctest from git 'master' or 'next'...?

Are you talking about executing via a script or via "ctest -D Nightly" or ...?

An example, or steps to reproduce the problem would be helpful.

David Cole   
2010-08-31 15:30   
We will not be addressing this for the upcoming CMake 2.8.3 release.
Rolf Eike Beer   
2011-02-03 15:15   
If you use this as test program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void)
  return 0;

And set the timeout to something less than the value passed to sleep the CTest log will only show "timeout" but not the output produced by the program so far ("foobar").
David Cole   
2011-08-01 11:18   
I'm uncertain of how much effort this one will take to fix... I'll put it on the roadmap, but unless somebody has a patch, or the knowledge of what exactly to change to fix this, then there may not be enough time to come up with a fix in the next two weeks.
David Cole   
2011-09-22 16:56   
Not enough time left to address this issue before the 2.8.6 release. Deferred until a future release.
Rolf Eike Beer   
2011-10-22 06:20   
I don't have access to the original failing stuff anymore. But I just tested this again. When adding fflush(stdout); before the sleep to make the stuff actually written by the process I see the results in the output log. So until someone proves me wrong I would say this has been fixed.
David Cole   
2011-10-28 12:21   
Reported as "apparently fixed" by reporter...
David Cole   
2012-03-06 08:37   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.