<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hello everyone,<br><br>This is certainly a known issue but I coulnd't find anything related to this needs on internet :<br><br></div>I got : <br>an executable EX, a static library B and a static library C with cross dependencies : <br>
</div><div>libB depends on libC and libC depends on libB.<br></div><div>EX depends on libB<br><br></div><div>If I write :<br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(libB libC)<br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(libC libB)<br>
</div><div>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(EX libB)<br><br>Code compiles and everything is fine.<br></div><div><br>But then I would like to compile with two different flavor of libC : libC1 and libC2 both available with one make. <br>
<br>I want to do :<br></div><div><div><div>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(libB ???)<br>
</div>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(libC2 libB)<br>
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(EX1 libB libC1)<br></div><div>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(EX2 libB libC2)<br><br></div><div>Problem is that if I don't set the right TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES for libB I got unresolved dependencies at EX1/2 link time for symbol resolved in libCXXX. <br>
<br>Having a library libB1 and libB2 is not an option.<br><br></div><div>Any idea anyone ?<br></div><div>Thanks a lot<br>Pierre<br></div></div>