Here you can find the toolchain file I created: <a href=""></a><br>
<br>I think the issue boils down to this:<br><br><pre>root /home/lpapp/Projects/qt/skeleton/build # /opt/ti/C6000CGT7.4.2/bin/cl6x --abi=eabi --run_linker ../main.c
"../main.c", line 1: error: cannot find file "int"
"../main.c", line 1: error: cannot find file "main"
"../main.c", line 1: error: expecting filename, option, MEMORY, or SECTIONS
instead of "("
"../main.c", line 4: error: expecting filename, option, MEMORY, or SECTIONS
instead of "}"
fatal error: no input files
>> Compilation failure
root /home/lpapp/Projects/qt/skeleton/build # /opt/ti/C6000CGT7.4.2/bin/cl6x --abi=eabi ../main.c --run_linker
warning: automatic library build: using library
"/opt/ti/C6000CGT7.4.2/lib/rts6200_elf.lib" for the first time, so it must
be built. This may take a few minutes.
</pre>Do you have any ideas how to solve this issue? It seems to me that, I would need to pass the source files before the linker option.<br><br>Laszlo<br>