I am trying to build a project on a 'custom' linux machine.<br><br>When running cmake (cmake version 2.6-patch 4)<br>thats the error I am getting.<br><br clear="all"> (set_tests_properties):<br> set_tests_properties Can not find test to add properties to:<br>
<br>The relevant section in the CMakeLists.txt file looks like this:<br><br>ENABLE_TESTING()<br>add_test(NAME hdf5mstest<br>WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}<br>COMMAND ${BinOut}/hdf5mstest )<br>set_tests_properties(hdf5mstest PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "${LD_VARNAME}=${LD_PATH}")<br>
<br><br>Interestingly, on my machine with cmake version 2.8.7 I do not have such errors.<br><br>Is it due to some cmake 2.8 syntax not valid in 2.6 ? If so how can I adjust my CMakeLists.txt file to be compatible with 2.6?<br>
<br>regards<br>Witold<br><br><br><br>-- <br>Witold Eryk Wolski<br><br>Triemlistrasse 155<br>8047 Zuerich<br>