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<p>C:\Users\xxxx\lindenhg\3p\hacd-k-wip\buil>cmake -G"Visual Studio 10" ../Source</p><p>
-- Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10</p>
<p>Gets to here, hangs, and I ctrl-c out.</p>
<p>An nmake project will complete including the test above.</p>
<p>After ctrl-c out, I can cd to C:\Users\xxxx\lindenhg\3p\hacd-k-wip\buil\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp></p><p>
Then, cl testCCompiler.c and the program compiles against the cl.exe in Visual Studio 10/vc/bin with no hiccups.</p>
<p>Uninstalled and reinstalled cmake.</p>
<p>Before with express only cmake gave no problems.</p>