Hello,<br><br>I'm using CMake to build OCaml libraries.<br>For that, I use a macro that I call in my CMakeLists.txt<br><br>As I have dependencies between my different libraries, I wrote my CMakeLists.txt so the build happens in the right order, but when building, libraries are built depending on alphabetical order.<br>
<br>add_ocaml_library(cabs SOURCES <a href="http://cabs.ml">cabs.ml</a>)<br>add_ocaml_library(algo SOURCES <a href="http://algo.ml">algo.ml</a>)<br><br>(algo depends on cabs being already built)<br><br>How can I create a "add_ocaml_dependencies" macro ? <br>
Or is there a way to force CMake to follow the build order in the CMakeLists.txt ?<br><br>Regards<br><br>Maxime Lecourt<br>