I specified the full name to an so in CMAKE 2.8.1. Unfortunately it links against the versioned so name,<br>libpython2.6.so.1.0<br><br> instead of the exact name I specified.<br> /usr/lib/<a href="http://libpython2.6.so">libpython2.6.so</a><br>
<br>SET (PYTHON_ARCHIVE /usr/lib/<a href="http://libpython2.6.so">libpython2.6.so</a>)<br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (myapp parser engine ${PYTHON_ARCHIVE} ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE})<br><br>Is there any way to tell cmake to do the right thing in Linux? For some strange reason using -l on the link line, and doesn't even use the corresponding -L to the path I specify.<br>