Hi Folks, <br><br>Would be great if some people having experience in testing classes required a server could share their knowhow :) <br><br>Within our project, we have a set of classes that required an instance of a server running to be properly unit tested. <br>
<br>Note that the server can be started easily from a command line, no installation steps are required. <br><br>The ideas are the following: <br><br>1) Start the server at the beginning of each unit test / kill it at the end<br>
=> The project depending on Qt, we could use QProcess to start the server and kill it ...<br> => We need to make sure port are unique for each test ( to properly handle parallel testing and multiple dashboard running at the same time ... ). We were thinking to may be rely on an environment variable used as a counter ... <br>
<br>2) -> have a "initialize_server" test in charge of starting the server<br> -> run all unit test against the same instance of the server (all tests would be run sequentially)<br> -> have a "finalize_server" test in charge of killing/stopping the server: Is there a cross-platform way of stopping a previously started process in ctest ? <br>
<br><br>Thanks for your suggestions<br>Jc<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Phone: 1-518-836-2174<br>Ext: 304<br>