Hello,<br><br>It seems the debug/release default configuration are only
built for VStudio suites.<br>Anyway I am trying to simulated such for
the codeblocks IDE, this is how I did my CMakeLists.txt :<br><br>project(
myapp )<br>
<br>add_executable( Release WIN32 ${my_src_files} )<br>target_link_libraries(
Release ${my_libs} )<br>set_target_properties( Release PROPERTIES
OUTPUT_NAME myappname )<br><br>add_executable( Debug ${my_src_files} )<br>target_link_libraries(
Debug ${my_libs_dbg} )<br>
set_source_files_properties( Debug PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ....
etc .... )<br>set_target_properties( Debug PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME
myappname_dbg .... etc .... )<br><br><br>Actually this works pretty fine
but :<br><br>Is that the right way to simulate VS build configurations ?<br>Is
there any chance this conflicts with the VS generator ?<br>
<br><br>Other misc question :<br><br>What are the xxx/fast
configurations in codeblocks ?<br><br><br>Regards,