Hello.<br><br>I want to generate a simple Makefile from cmake.<br>This Makefile looks like this:<br><br>all:<br> @echo "No build"<br><br>tags:<br> ctags -R *.cpp<br> cscope -b -q -k *.cpp<br><br><br>This simple Makefile do not have target to build source code. It is only for building ctags index and cscope db.<br>
So it is not a matter whether c/c++ compiler exists or not. <br><br>How can I write CMakeList.txt for this simple work?<br><br>One problem is... when "cmake ." command is run, some errors are occured like "The C compiler identification is unknown" and "The C++ compiler identification is unknown" and blar blar because I use cygwin and gcc/g++ is not installed.<br>
How to skip checking compiler detection?<br><br>Please help me.<br><br><br><br><br><br>