Hey<br><br>I'am trying to set up a cmake toolchain file for the TI cl6x compiler.<br><br>I do know how to write the toolchain file (it work for nois, powerpc and arm). But the problem is that there is no options for specifying the output file the compiler produces.<br>
<br>I tried with the following configuration:<br><br>set(CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT "<CMAKE_C_COMPILER> -c -ppa -eo=.c.obj -mv6400 <DEFINES> <FLAGS> <SOURCE>")<br><br>This does create an object file, but the object file is created in the wrong location, and cmake therefor thinks it failed!<br>
<br>The compiler have an option to specify the output directory, but i do not know how to get the directory part of <OBJECT><br><br>Thanks<br>Allan W. Nielsen<br><br>