It looks as though installation of items is different than I thought it should be.<br><br>CMakeLists.txt<br><br> install(CODE "message(\"start\")")<br><br> add_subdirectory(sub1)<br><br> install(CODE "message( \"end\")")<br>
<br>sub1\CMakeLists.txt:<br><br> install(CODE "message("\--sub1\")")<br><br>In this example the following output is generated during install:<br><br>start<br>end<br>--sub1<br><br>I would have expected:<br>
<br>start<br>--sub1<br>end<br><br>I'm surprised that it is running all the install commands for the top level cmake before doing the commands in the sub directory. I would have expected the install commands to be run in script order.<br>