I get the point of INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (the various files used must be located). But what is the point of LINK_DIRECTORIES and TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES? In a CMakeLists.txt file I have:<br><br><br><br>..<br>INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${ELASTIX_SRC}/Components/Optimizers/StandardGradientDescent)<br>
...<br>...<br>LINK_DIRECTORIES(${ELASTIX_BUILD}/Components/Optimizers/StandardGradientDescent)<br>...<br>...<br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(test ITKCommon ITKAlgorithms ITKBasicFilters ITKNumerics ITKIO ITKBasicFilters StandardGradientDescent elxCommon elxCore)<br>
<br><br><br><br>In the first line source files are located in the dir: (${ELASTIX_SRC}/Components/Optimizers/StandardGradientDescent). But the same dir is also used as a link library. In the last line various macros are used in a target link library, but why is that necessary when the LINK_DIRECTORIES are defined?<br>