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<br><br><hr id="stopSpelling">From: alexisis-pristontale@hotmail.com<br>To: drescherjm@gmail.com<br>Subject: RE: [CMake] specific target to gettext<br>Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 00:30:49 +0000<br><br>
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<br><br>> Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:42:58 -0400<br>> Subject: Re: [CMake] specific target to gettext<br>> From: drescherjm@gmail.com<br>> To: alexisis-pristontale@hotmail.com<br>> CC: cmake@cmake.org<br>> <br>> On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 7:20 PM, alexis<br>> lameire<alexisis-pristontale@hotmail.com> wrote:<br>> > Hi, I've spent weeks and weeks to solve this problem, but I haven't got any<br>> > solution yet. that's why I need your help. My project uses gettext for<br>> > localization, and cmake for build. I'd like to set a make target to<br>> > automatically generate .pot files and update .po files, and another one to<br>> > compile the .po files to .mo files and write them in the "bin" subdirectory<br>> > of my project root.with the standard tree of gettext . How to do this? Thaks<br>> > for your help<br>> ><br>> <br>> Check out add_custom_command<br>> <br>> http://cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake2.6docs.html#command:add_custom_command<br>> <br>> John<br><br>thenks<br>i have try it but i have this error when i make<br>CMakeFiles/update_pot.dir/build.make:50: *** les commandes commencent avant la première cible. Arrêt.<br>make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/update_pot.dir/all] Erreur 2<br>make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/update_pot.dir/rule] Erreur 2<br>make: *** [update_pot] Erreur 2<br>http://pastie.org/559051 : my CMakeListe.txt :) sorry if the pastbin is not the good solution but i never yet use mailling list<br><br><hr>Votre correspondant a choisi Hotmail et profite d'un stockage quasiment illimité. <a href="http://www.windowslive.fr/hotmail/default.asp"> Créez un compte Hotmail gratuitement !</a><br /><hr />Souhaitez vous « être au bureau sans y être » ? <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/france/windows/bts/default.mspx' target='_new'>Oui je le veux !</a></body>